Update on Wicket- Cadbury'snow loan pen mate


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 5, 2023
Reaction score
So Wicket seemed to be eating but sad as you know. I got the little guy and they named him frodo i don't like it. so for now he is just little one i am thinking of Bailey.
When i got him home i had a pen set up in living room brought wicket in and put carrier down, Wicket waited and when little guy came out sniffing and running. Gave them hay and both ate and the little one sat next to Wicket and they had no issues. Wicket covered him and was protective of him, went to hide after running around and they sat next to one another. First time Wicket was sort of popcorning he was hoping and making happy piggie noises.

Today gave little sliver of cucumber to baby, two to wicket. BTW Wicket loves cucumber he finished first and took the babies who protested and wicket was no mine, little guy looked up i had small piece he took it. yellow pepper slivers and they both are munching on hay and then nap Attaching picture sorry looks like it inserted in my post

My eldest came home did not notice the baby and then picked him up and said is this a hamster why do we have a little hamster, Then was omg its a guinea pig its so small is he ok. lol She was not upset with me neither were they said he needed a home and it was critical that he be adopted so good job. They notices Wicket was better and honestly he has been eating so much more i am not having to give very thick critical care, and constant rummaging hay for him to take notice. I slept through night first time in two weeks as i knew he and baby would get up and eat. Attaching pictures so you can see little one and Wicket.

Name suggestions are welcome. Wicket was named after Ewok from Star Wars he looked like and still does an Ewock. Wicket brother in film is Widdle lol

Oh my! What a gorgeous baby boy, no wonder Wicket has cheered up, how lovely for them both to have a companion now
Oh my! What a gorgeous baby boy, no wonder Wicket has cheered up, how lovely for them both to have a companion now
Thank you. Wicket weight fluctuate 1420- 1443 it was down a bit this morning but last night he finally was drinking a lot he was so busy eating hay, chasing after the little one and eating veggies

Bot are eating well side by side, if little one gets food wicket eats so this is good Only little thing with confrontation was cucumber lol they will learn to be together. Wicket just was not going to let him have all cucumbers lol
I'm so pleased they're getting on and that Wicket has perked up.
Thank you. Wicket weight fluctuate 1420- 1443 it was down a bit this morning but last night he finally was drinking a lot he was so busy eating hay, chasing after the little one and eating veggies

Bot are eating well side by side, if little one gets food wicket eats so this is good Only little thing with confrontation was cucumber lol they will learn to be together. Wicket just was not going to let him have all cucumbers lol
Aw, Wicket is big Daddy and teaching the little one some manners 😊
Small update little ones name is Remy. He has grown from 179g to 296g and he and Wicket are best buds. when out on floor time Wicket is nudging Remy away from areas that he should not go like under my dresser, both popcorn and run. One night remy got the zoomies. You could see Wicket getting confused so he just went and ate hay and pellets as Remy did laps. It was almost like ok kid your busy i eat. Thank you everyone for well wishes. My heart still breaks about Cadbury i miss his little face, his snuggles and licks and overcome with guilt He would have loved Remy. Given Remy was born day before Cadbury died i took it as a sign that he was meant to be here. Still hurting and i know it takes time just two gone within three months of one another isn't fair.
Thank you for the update, that's wonderful to know that they are happy together ❤️
So Wicket seemed to be eating but sad as you know. I got the little guy and they named him frodo i don't like it. so for now he is just little one i am thinking of Bailey.
When i got him home i had a pen set up in living room brought wicket in and put carrier down, Wicket waited and when little guy came out sniffing and running. Gave them hay and both ate and the little one sat next to Wicket and they had no issues. Wicket covered him and was protective of him, went to hide after running around and they sat next to one another. First time Wicket was sort of popcorning he was hoping and making happy piggie noises.

Today gave little sliver of cucumber to baby, two to wicket. BTW Wicket loves cucumber he finished first and took the babies who protested and wicket was no mine, little guy looked up i had small piece he took it. yellow pepper slivers and they both are munching on hay and then nap Attaching picture sorry looks like it inserted in my post

My eldest came home did not notice the baby and then picked him up and said is this a hamster why do we have a little hamster, Then was omg its a guinea pig its so small is he ok. lol She was not upset with me neither were they said he needed a home and it was critical that he be adopted so good job. They notices Wicket was better and honestly he has been eating so much more i am not having to give very thick critical care, and constant rummaging hay for him to take notice. I slept through night first time in two weeks as i knew he and baby would get up and eat. Attaching pictures so you can see little one and Wicket.

Name suggestions are welcome. Wicket was named after Ewok from Star Wars he looked like and still does an Ewock. Wicket brother in film is Widdle lol

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Boars can makes such wonderful nursery nurses and 'uncle piggies'. It looks like both parties have fallen on their paws.

PS: Have you double checked the baby's gender?
I have checked gender he is a boy

Thank you. We do our best to ensure that our members don't have any unpleasant surprises since mis-sexing is sadly all too common.

Enjoy your two boys. A baby can really get an adult boy going and give them bck their joy of life. It is always very gratifying, including to see how caring they are with the little ones as well.
Thank you. We do our best to ensure that our members don't have any unpleasant surprises since mis-sexing is sadly all too common.

Enjoy your two boys. A baby can really get an adult boy going and give them bck their joy of life. It is always very gratifying, including to see how caring they are with the little ones as well.
Remy has helped Wicket alot! He is more active and eating more! Remy at 3 weeks old was 176g i said mouse! He is now 379g and gets so excited for hay! In Morning before work it is big mounds of hay, Romain Lettuce and little guy can't figure out which to dive into. And Wicket just eats and looks at him like kid just come eat ! I was worried about sex took him to vet said confirm they were yep boy
So pleased it's worked out so well and Wicket is enjoying life as an uncle ❤️