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Update on Hamlet’s Cut


New Born Pup
Feb 7, 2022
Reaction score
New York
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to come on here to give a little update on my guinea pigs injury that I noticed a few days ago. Since I noticed it, I’ve been cleaning it gently with warm water on a q-tip, followed up by some bag balm to help keep it clean and make sure it didn’t get infected. As of today, I checked and it has completely healed! Thank you all for your help/input with this situation! I’ve included a before & after shot :)


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Thank you for the update. Glad that it has healed well.

Please keep an eye/finger out and check the area during your life-long weekly health monitoring body once-over and weigh-in in case any swelling returns. Make sure that you have the funds to see a vet promptly if needed as any returning lump (whatever this was) is usually bigger and may well need veterinary attention.

Weight - Monitoring and Management
Guinea pig body quirks - What is normal and what not?
Thank you for the update. Glad that it has healed well.

Please keep an eye/finger out and check the area during your life-long weekly health monitoring body once-over and weigh-in in case any swelling returns. Make sure that you have the funds to see a vet promptly if needed as any returning lump (whatever this was) is usually bigger and may well need veterinary attention.

Weight - Monitoring and Management
Guinea pig body quirks - What is normal and what not?
Yes of course! Thank you very much 😁