Update On Crunchie

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 24, 2015
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crunchie had her dental last week; she had small spurs again (probably due to a reduction in appetite from yet another bladder flare). The dental went well, she was eating hay pretty much straight away and she didnt seem uncomfortable at all in her mouth.

She did bloat that night however, and gained 65g in weight.. Anything that went in wasnt coming out and she was like a rugby ball! I took her in first thing to be admitted as i had a long shift ahead of me (i have been £500 on fudge and crunchie this short month alone so needed the cash) but Because she was seen as an emergency, it was a different vet.. Lets just say she was less than helpful, and i ended up taking a half day, going and collecting my girl from the vets early to care for her myself.. She was still a rugby ball and not eating by this point.

Took her back the next morning again first thing, saw the piggy vets.. They xrayed her, found her stomach to be full of food and gas, and an empty but gassy cecum.. They had a plan for her within 5 minutes and she was improving quickly throughout the day.

Once that was under control.. She was back to her usual shouty self!

She is now doing very well and fighting fit once again.

My oldies really know how to worry me!

Aww, Crunchie, you need to try and not scare your Mum so much!
Glad you are dong better now, and we love your sweet little wheek!
Brilliant that she is stable again. The video made Tim rumble (no surprise there lol).
So pleased Crunchie is on the mend, sending the gorgeous pumpkin coloured one lots of vibes and hugs x
Hooray for Crunchie!:tu:
Her and fudge certainly give you a tough time of things!:))
Clearly i jinxed it!

Very bad bladder flare :-(

Oh Crunchie, stop worrying your mum!
I hope all is okay soon enough!:(
Good old septrin - I always have a spare vial in the fridge - come on Crunchie xx
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