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Update on Chocolate do I have her put down?

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Oct 13, 2006
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:'(I've been to the vets with Choc's eye,the vet thinks it is a tumour,but wont know until he has a look,if so he says it will be kinder to put her down,I want him to remove the eye and see if he can save her...he says the eye has to come out anyway as it is damaged beyond repair??What do I do?sx :'( :'(My husband says it is not cost effective as it will cost 100 pounds ish,I and my children are disgusted with him,how can he say that!!!
I dunno what to say, but hugs and I'm sure you'll make the right choice
I've just read your other post - is the eye problem recent? It seems a bit premature to suggest putting her down or even removing her eye. My friend's pig had just the same sort of problem, and she bathed it daily then put the eye drops in and eventually a tiny piece of hay worked itself to the front of the eye and once it was out the eye healed up.

Personally I wouldn't spend £100 on removing her eye, if it was either that or pts I'd pts partly due to the severity of the operation and partly due to cost, but I know others will disagree. However it does sound like your vet is being a bit hasty :-\
I would get a second opinion. How old is Chocolate? Some vets aren't that good when it comes to Guinea Pigs! If it is a tumour then I feel you have to weigh up the pros and the cons, will the op be successful? Quality of life etc etc. At the end of the day you've got to do what is best for Chocolate. I know it's heartbreaking.

Sending you big hugs,

First things first should be an x-ray to find out if it is a tumour. Badly damaged and infected eyes can swell up hugely and removal is the only option. Pigs can live perfectly well with one eye.

I would absolutely give her every chance - perhaps even find a different vet to get a second opinion.
One of my pigs has a lump growing under/behind her eye, which the vet says is either a cyst or a tumour. I was told she may need to have her eye removed. I decided to see how she went for a little while, as it didn't seem to be bothering her, and because she wasn't in robust health for an unnecessary anaesthetic. She is in even worse health now (see various threads!), but the lump itself has reduced in size (possibly because she is currently on anti-inflammatory drugs for something else). I'm certainly going to leave well alone there.
I agree with daftscotslass.Eye ops are the easiest and safest of surgery.Pigs eyesight is not very good anyway,so even blind piggies can manage very well.
I have emailed surgery asking for an xray before they take her eye,if it is operable I have said they must do what they can as I know she will survive with one eye,will update tomorrow.sx
Aww bless her. Let us know how she gets on. Fingers crossed it isnt as serious as he thinks :-\
I think I would have to try another vet for a second opinion I really do think it is way too soon to say put her to sleep or even pay 100 to have her eye removed surely they would want to just try some anti inflammatory first and give her 48 hrs before deciding?
Whilst the op may be straightforward she could need nursing afterwards. A friends pig had his eye removed and needed daily flushing (Colloidal Silver I think). But this was an abscess.
I'm so sorry to hear this.

I did hear through a work colleague that there is a vet in the Oxford area who specilaises in guinea pig eye surgery. Does anyone know of him?
No, the vet that my friend used is in Maidenhead. His 'thing' is eye surgery but he had only done it on a handful of guineas- was successful though.
:'( :'(Thanks for all your support,unfortunately when they removed the eye she had a tumour behind it and so I then took the decision to have her pts,because the vet said he could sew her eye up she would have no more than a couple of months I didn't think it was fair...we have buried her in the garden and the children have put a cross with her name on it!!This is my first piggie to die,I really don't like it! :( :(
Sorry to hear that. Big hugs...it is hard but she is at peace now 0:)
Oh Hunny, I'm so sorry to hear about Chocolate. Sending you big hugs, hope you and the children are coping ok.

So sorry for your Loss i am sure she is at peace now, she knows you will always love her!

RIP gorgeous girl - you did everything you could, so dont feel down, she knows you love her :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Oh no poor chocolate :( so sorry for your loss, hope your coping ok, you did what you thought best for your piggie
RIP chocolate x
Thankyou for the pm, it must've been very difficult for you to write it :'(
RIP Chocoloate, sweet little girl no more pain, you can play freely at the bridge and have lots of fun and munch on the green grass with your friends :'( :'( :'(

Hugs for you all and piggie kisses from Duke :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks everyone it is great to be able to share with like minded people,Caramel, Choccies sister seems to be unaware that she has gone,maybe as she has Milly and Maisy to keep her company... ?
So sorry to hear about Chocolate. :'( :'( :'(
Hope you and the kids are ok.
It horrible when you lose a pet, they become like part of the family.
Anne :'(
So sorry to hear about Chocolate Sallym, it was a brave decision to make - it is one of the awful things about keeping these adorable little creatures. Sending hugs to you and yours from me and the gang. Run free little Chocolate. 0:)
So sorry to hear about chocolate. You made the right choice even if it was hard. :'(

Hugs to the and yor family :smitten: :smitten:
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