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Unwell guinea


New Born Pup
Oct 25, 2023
Reaction score
Guys, my poor Wednesday is unwell. She’s probably about 3/4 now and hasn’t really had any health problems before. A few days ago she looked like she got something stuck in her mouth and couldn’t get it out, she eventually stopped and i’ve been keeping an eye ever since. She’s done it a few times since. I feel bad because I haven’t been able to take her to the vets straight away but she looked like it wasn’t bothering her anymore.
While cleaning her out I discovered light pink urine. I will take her to the vets tomorrow morning but i’m worried that she might die overnight. - maybe a little dramatic but it’s very concerning. Did anyone else have the same issue?
I’m sorry to hear this.

Definitely get her seen by a vet.

In the meantime, it is important to switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh her daily. This enables you to ensure she is eating enough hay to maintain her weight (hay intake cannot be judged by eye), and step in with syringe feeding if she is losing weight.

The guides below explain further. Do let us know how you get on at the vet.

Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Sorry to hear she is unwell.Please get her checked over by a vet soon.The only experience I have of a piggie looking like she'd got something stuck in her mouth with the mouth movements she was making was down to dental issues and then I thought she'd got a piece of hay lodged in her throat so got her to my local vets and they couldn't find anything.It turned out to be dental disease.I'm not a health and illness expert but I would suspect a dental issue.I'm not saying it is that though.I hope the vets can help x
Good luck at the vets. Sending healing vibes to Wednesday ❤️
Update - she went to the vets and has been given meds for a water infection and anti inflammatory meds because she had food stuck in her mouth. Apparently her teeth looked normal so thank god it wasn’t overgrown teeth.
Thank you all for kind messages!