I was hoping someone might have some advice on what could be wrong with my four year old female guinea pig. I noticed some of her poos have been a bit sticky and have a point at the end. They are still formed but not as hard as usual. She has also lost a lot of weight (I weighed her today and she is down to 1,088g she was 1,178g 2 weeks ago). She’s also shedding a lot. Apart from that she seems her usual happy self and eating all the usual things. I’ve booked a vets appointment this afternoon but there aren’t any exotic vets around here and I don’t know how much experience they have with guinea pigs. I was wondering if anyone else has come across these symptoms before or has any advice.
Additional info: she does have a lump but I had it checked last year and it wasn’t anything like cancer. I have limited veggies as well but I don’t want to stop them completely in case she is dehydrated (she gets most of her water intake from veggies). She’s also done unusual poos before but it usually resolves itself in a few days.
Additional info: she does have a lump but I had it checked last year and it wasn’t anything like cancer. I have limited veggies as well but I don’t want to stop them completely in case she is dehydrated (she gets most of her water intake from veggies). She’s also done unusual poos before but it usually resolves itself in a few days.