For a while now I have thought Amina has special needs. She does not quite realise things. When it is time for food she watches the girls wheeking and running towards food with a puzzled look. She hates being handled but that could be because she was not handled for eighteen months of her life. When I hold her she will sit chewing my skin. If I move her and tell her it hurts she climbs back and continues to do it. I have never had a piggy do that. Does anybody else have a piggy that does that? She will also try to dig when I hold her. I know she does not like me and she is much happier when my boyfriend holds her. I have no idea why but she clearly prefers him as she does not dig with him. I worry about her as I do not know if she is happy. She tries to sit next to the girls as she loves to cuddle against them but they moan at her to move. Poor little girl. She is so sweet and affectionate with them.