unused level

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Jul 5, 2010
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weston super mare, UK
I'm bit put out by my lot. I spent 4 hours constructing a top level for my 2x5 c and c a few weeks ago and the blighters wont even use it! My boy fred loves to run up and down the ramp to show of to the girls but the girls have not so much as put a foot on the ramp.rolleyesrolleyes
I put the girls upstairs and they just stay there and wont attempt the ramp back down to the bottom. I dont know what to do. I was hoping that it would give them some extra room while inside but they seem to love being cramped on one level.
Any ideas how i can make them use it, or i will dismantle it. Also when do we start thinking about putting them back out to the shed this year?
Have you got any photos of it? Is the ramp maybe too steep or slippery for the girls? Try removing Fred, then putting all the girls on the top and leaving a trail of favourite foods all the way down the ramp at intervals so they have to climb down to get it (or vice versa). I have an old terry square nappy on my ramp so that they also have a bit of grip on it, I did have just fleece but they ended up not being able to get up with it being too slippy!

Hope some of these suggestions help.


Bribery! I'd put their favourite food on the ramp encouraging them to put their feet on the ramp and get confident. Trail the food all the way, of course you might have to get your lad out for a while perhaps for some cuddle time otherwise he'll chomp his way up the ramp! :(|)
Thanks for your replies. I do have a cut off towel going down the ramp and hooked on to the cage with cable ties so they do have grip. I will try the food thing you both mentioned and see if that works. I do have a photo but I'm on my blackberry right now and at work so will have to try and upload when I am with the laptop. Will let you know how they get on.
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