unsure what to do next for the pigs

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Craig David

Teenage Guinea Pig
Mar 19, 2010
Reaction score
Bolton (up north)
hi guys

well its been 2 week since i split up craig and dave.

they seem a bit more settled now however i cant help but feel they arent as happy as when they were together. i also feel tight on them as i know they should be kept in twos. they can currently see eachother but is this enough for them?

iv been thinking what to do for them but to be honest i dont want to get them neutred and i guess i dont have much more option than this. maybe i should leave them be for now and see how they get on.

Hopefully my other 2x4 will be here next week so craig can go in that instead of the rubbish little cage he is in now and maybe that will spice things up a bit x
Side by Side is fine. Bette at the moment is on her own although she can hear other pigs and gets floortime side by side with milo before this she was on her own for 3 + years I can honestly say she is a happy pig regardless!
thanks flintstones.

i think I'm a bit paranoid especially because craig is in a much smaller cage for now.

i dont want them to be unhappy. ill take some pics of my new set up when i get it sorted for everyone to see. Hopefully i will have two happy piggies again x
I'm sure you will! :).

If you do decide to neuter make sure you get a cavy savy vet, but I must say Boy/Girl pairings are fab. You don't have the worry about them fighting it's great!
i think I'm a bit scared of neutering. **** cus they are my first piggies and i dont want to put them through anything uneccessary. the boy girl pair does sound cute though.

craig and dave have never been nice to eachother hahaha xx
I too have a piggie on his own at the moment. He lives next door to the girls, their hutches are at 90 degrees to each other so they can just about see one another and can talk to each other easily (the Girls shouting for their dinner sets the Little Man off too, he's soon caught on!) and he popcorns away to himself quite happliy :)

Good luck with whatever you decide for your boys. I understand your nerves on neutering. I was the same!
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