I posted about my piggy Eugene having two lumps under his chin a few days ago. One was an an abscess which burst and we had cleaned up by the vet yesterday, but the other lump under his chin is currently a mystery. The vet gave us a quote for him to be put under anaesthesia and a proper biopsy of the lump taken, they would also look at his teeth to see if that is the cause. Best case scenario is that it’s just another abscess and that will be it, but we are not sure if that will be the case. I expressed my concerns about anaesthesia but the vet reassured me that the risks are low, particularly as he is young. She did say though that if he needed further dental work they might be reluctant to put him through it. I am really not sure what to do as it is going to be very expensive and he seems fine at the moment. She said that the lump is likely causing him pain which makes me feel terrible, but I also don’t want to put him through the procedure if it then turns out to be a dental problem and we have to let him go. I know we need to make a decision and it is Easter bank holiday weekend this week, and then on the 14th we are supposed to be going away for the weekend so they are booked into a boarder. I just really don’t know what to do and would appreciate any advice or if anyone has been through something similar.