New Born Pup
Hello all. I would like to ask for either advice, or your experience with maybe a similar situation I find myself in. Or maybe even just moral support. (Because I feel really lost and overwhelmed and just do not know if I should try an operation with her or not. ) (And sorry, if I don't make much sense, I'm quite exhausted atm
My small sweet little furry potato, Eli, has crusty nipples, so I was worried she may be developing (or already have) ovarian cysts. I was expecting that she would need a hysterectomy.
Instead they found an elongated growth of some sort in the abdominal part - they are not sure what exactly it is without opening her up.
She is 2 year and about 3 months, long-haired, gorgeous and super cute. She has always been quite small for her age, and even now, she weights only 810g.
I was told that there is most likely no point in even trying to do an operation, because the vet thinks that the mass they found will most likely be not be operable, so we would needlessly add some strain on her body. (Because they need to do a deeper anesthesia than the one they do when just taking blood and such + recovering from the cut itself, etc.)
We got some "support" medication, to make her a bit more healthy and comfortable (see below).
So... I was given 3 options: 1. no operation, just monitoring her and when I see signs she is suffering, then either let her go or try operation. 2. try the operation and when they open her up and it's not operable, they could just ..not wake her up. 3. try the operation and when it's not operable, just close her up again and hope she recovers ok.
I also asked lots of stuff, so I kind of got a 4th option: To open her up, rand if they find things they can remove, take at least those out and use them for biopsy and then maybe get a more tailored medication.
I like the 4th option for the "best long term chance", but on the other hand, I'm very scared I will take away the "last bit" of relatively comfortable life she could have had, if we do not put the strain of the operation on her.
I don't know what to do. She is so far not showing any obvious signs of discomfort. She is active, has a healthy appetite, and so on.
I'm scared that she may be in pain and I just can not tell / will not be able to tell. I do not want her to suffer nor do I want to shorten her life needlessly. (I'm especially scared I will not notice when she starts to suffer too much for it to be worth it. I made that mistake unintentionally with my last boar...)
Some more details:
The growth is about 8 x 3,5 cm big (and I can not believe I did not notice it before...). It seems to be firm, and I was told, that it seems to be attached to the groin and chest muscles. She also has a much smaller growth on the other side, round, about 3 cm. And one other in "hypergastrium", also round, about 1 cm.
They did a sonography and some bloodwork. The vet considers, in this case, a biopsy as an even greater risk than opening her up. The bloodwork was good, and almost everything else seems to be ok. The only other thing was, that they also saw something that could mean there is some little fluid in the lungs. We got some meds to help with that, in case we decide to go for the surgery.
The medication we got is a local one, so the name will propably not tell you anything, but it's used to strengthen the body. It contains Inositol, inositol hexaphosphate, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, selen. (If anyone is interested, I found an ebay page with english text, but don't know if I can post links, so to be safe, here is just the name: Alavis Sanicell)
And for the lung situation, just to be sure, we got some Furosoral tablets.

My small sweet little furry potato, Eli, has crusty nipples, so I was worried she may be developing (or already have) ovarian cysts. I was expecting that she would need a hysterectomy.
Instead they found an elongated growth of some sort in the abdominal part - they are not sure what exactly it is without opening her up.
She is 2 year and about 3 months, long-haired, gorgeous and super cute. She has always been quite small for her age, and even now, she weights only 810g.
I was told that there is most likely no point in even trying to do an operation, because the vet thinks that the mass they found will most likely be not be operable, so we would needlessly add some strain on her body. (Because they need to do a deeper anesthesia than the one they do when just taking blood and such + recovering from the cut itself, etc.)
We got some "support" medication, to make her a bit more healthy and comfortable (see below).
So... I was given 3 options: 1. no operation, just monitoring her and when I see signs she is suffering, then either let her go or try operation. 2. try the operation and when they open her up and it's not operable, they could just ..not wake her up. 3. try the operation and when it's not operable, just close her up again and hope she recovers ok.
I also asked lots of stuff, so I kind of got a 4th option: To open her up, rand if they find things they can remove, take at least those out and use them for biopsy and then maybe get a more tailored medication.
I like the 4th option for the "best long term chance", but on the other hand, I'm very scared I will take away the "last bit" of relatively comfortable life she could have had, if we do not put the strain of the operation on her.
I don't know what to do. She is so far not showing any obvious signs of discomfort. She is active, has a healthy appetite, and so on.
I'm scared that she may be in pain and I just can not tell / will not be able to tell. I do not want her to suffer nor do I want to shorten her life needlessly. (I'm especially scared I will not notice when she starts to suffer too much for it to be worth it. I made that mistake unintentionally with my last boar...)
Some more details:
The growth is about 8 x 3,5 cm big (and I can not believe I did not notice it before...). It seems to be firm, and I was told, that it seems to be attached to the groin and chest muscles. She also has a much smaller growth on the other side, round, about 3 cm. And one other in "hypergastrium", also round, about 1 cm.
They did a sonography and some bloodwork. The vet considers, in this case, a biopsy as an even greater risk than opening her up. The bloodwork was good, and almost everything else seems to be ok. The only other thing was, that they also saw something that could mean there is some little fluid in the lungs. We got some meds to help with that, in case we decide to go for the surgery.
The medication we got is a local one, so the name will propably not tell you anything, but it's used to strengthen the body. It contains Inositol, inositol hexaphosphate, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, selen. (If anyone is interested, I found an ebay page with english text, but don't know if I can post links, so to be safe, here is just the name: Alavis Sanicell)
And for the lung situation, just to be sure, we got some Furosoral tablets.