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Unknown Infection

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Forum Donator 2023/24
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
The Wirral and Liverpool (Uni)
Hi there guys,
Just a quick question, my guinea pig Pablo who is 7 months old now he has got something strange going on near his butt, it's seems there are some weird little bug things breeding there, the just keep multiplying I'm freaking out. I don't have a pic of them because my camera is crap, but I can describe them. They are little tiny brown things that are definitely alive, the attach on to his butt hairs and won't come off.
Please tell me what they are,

Ps. Pablo is a silkie dark eyed white cross so he has really long hair.
It could be hay mites or lice but we are not able to diagnose over the internet. I would get him to a vet as they should be able to tell you what it is and treat accordingly.

Welcome to the forum, please could you update your location on your profile as it will help with any advice we give.
It could be hay mites or lice but we are not able to diagnose over the internet. I would get him to a vet as they should be able to tell you what it is and treat accordingly.

Welcome to the forum, please could you update your location on your profile as it will help with any advice we give.
OK thanks
Welcome to the forum :)

I have to agree with Helen that it probably is mites or lice but always best to get a diagnosis from a vet and to be treated correctly x
Welcome to the forum :)

I have to agree with Helen that it probably is mites or lice but always best to get a diagnosis from a vet and to be treated correctly x
I would take him to the vet but in the past he got really sick from travelling in the car, the vet we go to is quite far away so I get my friend who went to vet collage but she's away, so I Need to do it myself, if you could recommend at treatment to try I would be very grateful.
I would take him to the vet but in the past he got really sick from travelling in the car, the vet we go to is quite far away so I get my friend who went to vet collage but she's away, so I Need to do it myself, if you could recommend at treatment to try I would be very grateful.

I am very sorry for your difficulties, but different skin parasites need different treatments. A vet should be able to diagnose them correctly and also give you appropriate treatment in he proper strength. By doing so on spec you can easily make things worse than better.
Blood sucking running lice for instance need other treatment than fur/hay mites/static lice, who live off detritus usually on the bum hair and therefore don't respond to ivermectin much. My guess is that you are dealing with one or the other.
Could you look for a more local vet to you? Even general vets should be able to diagnose skin parasites appropriately.
I agree a vets vist would be wise , sounds to me like static lice
You cannot self treat when your not sure what you are treating as this can make things worse. Guinea pigs usually travel very well, I have had no issues with any of the 50+ guineas I have had.

There must be another vet nearer to where you are. Our recommended vets you can find using the vet locator tab on the tool bar at the top of the page.

Do let us know how you get on.
Whereabouts in London are you? I might be able to recommend a couple of places not currently on the vet finder if you don't want to go to your nearest clinic.
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