Unheated house?

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Oct 12, 2007
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When I go away at Christmas for 3 days, I would usually turn off the heating to save wasting energy (& money) whilst we aren't here. But the piggies will still be here, with a neighbour popping in to feed them. They live in our utility room at the moment, and it is quite warm in there as the room does have a small radiator.

I don't want to heat the whole house just to keep two animals warm, but will they be OK for 3 days with the heating off? Obviously they will still be inside, os out of any extremes of weather.
Could you not put it on a timer so that the heating comes on for an hour in the morning and same at night, just to keep the chill out?
I could, but it would seem a bit of a waste of money to switch the heating on when there is no-one here. Our gas bills are huge enough as it is!
If your house is anything like our house it will be freezing cold with no heating on so i wouldnt advise it.
could you not switch all the other radiators off and just leave the utility one on?
That is a good idea from Sokel. The sudden change in temperature could make your piggies sick and resulting vets bills would be a lot more than heating a utility room :o
Hardly any of our radiators actually have knobs or thermostats - one of those jobs we're been meaning to sort for ages :embarassed:

Guess I'll have to leave it on the timer then.
You could also give them snuggly in things so they can go in there to keep extra warm O0
Ask the neighbour popping in to give them a hot water bottle as well morning and evening.
It is also a good idea to leave your heating set between 15c and 19c if you are not home as it will prevent any leeks and that will cot a plumber coming out this time of year.
Just want to add a word of warning my grandads neighbour did this every time she went away and on one particular very cold occasion the pipes froze then burst leading to flooding in her house and my grandads :( So I would def put it on at least once a day to keep the system running and to keep piggers warm ;)
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