Unhappy Piggies

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 16, 2013
Reaction score
London Kent
Hi ppl my baby mason does not seem to be excepted by my smudge and gizmo they seem to be in seperate hidey houses baby mason seems to wave his bum a lot at them and rumble at them a lot and pee on the food he 11 wks now and my smudge and gizmo are a year old now not sure if they too keen on him advice need I have noticed smudge and gizmo don't come up for there veggies at the bars since mason been in there advice plz ppl I think I may take baby out and maybe get a baby piggy of same age
Are the two older ones boys as well?boar trios very rarely work and as he gets older there could be mega fights and it could upset the bonded pair.I would separate and get him a friend
It is very unusual for three boars to live together. It can cause all three to fall out. I would not risk it. You can take him boar dating were he can choose a boar he is compatible with.
Mason sems to be a bit of an unwelcome handful for the older boys! The bum wiggling is called rumblestrutting and is mild dominance behaviour; most boars do it regularly.

While there is no outright friction or bullying situation at the moment, your two boys are obviously not as happy has they were as a couple. Things may change as Mason is growing up and hitting the teenage months.

Personally, I would look for a suitable companion for Mason, ideally with an age difference to help stabilise the relationship during the stroppy months. Would you consider dating Mason under expert supervision at one of our recommended rescues? This would maximise his changes to find a character compatible friend (the key to successful boar bond) while minimising your risk of ending up with two boars that don't get on. Additionally, you will always have the rescue to fall back on so you are not likely to end up with a growing flood of boars.
Iv taking mason out tngt so my other two boys can get back to normall all my piggies are boys they all in pairs and all gd fo u know of dating resues in kent i live dartford near dartford tunnel maybe it would be an idea to have expert help in bonding boars
Is East Peckham not too far from you? That rescue is run by a former forum buddy to a good standard and I can promise you that Mason and you will be in very safe hands.
Here is our rescue locator which should help you find your closest rescues: https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/pages/guinea-pig-rescue-locator/

PS: I have a plea. would you please post in normal language? I am not a native Engish speaker and from the wrong generation, so I really struggle with text speak. With members from around the world, we ask all forum members to please use fully written language.
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