Ok, firstly thanks to everyone.
I've updated my avatar. This is our guinea pig, Clickety he's 3.
I've got lots more questions, I'll need to post new threads for them I think!
In regard to this situation. In all honesty I never wanted a guinea pig at all. Due to allergies it was the only pet we could have! They are a lot of work! Friends and family are mostly keen for me to not get another piggie as it will continue my guinea pig ownership for many more years, if that makes sense. They know how super busy I am and exhausted!
The vet even suggested I don't get another as Clickety will only live another 6 months anyway. The vet also suggested putting Clickety to sleep.
But, my heart tells me I can't leave Clickety without a friend. My heart tells me that I need to show my own children that we need to be caring and do the right thing by our pets and that an animals mental health is as important as physical.
So this decision is a hard one! My head tells me I'm crazy to get another guinea pig, but I think it's the right decision.
Re the guy with the wild guinea pigs, thanks to the person who suggested they may be interbred, sure that would be the case.
I'll try to find a shelter, I live in inner city and most seem to be in rural areas. Guinea pigs are not popular where I live (but I had them as a child in the country)
One last question : can anyone identify the breed, I can't remember what it is, my son was allergic to our other pig but not this breed. His fur is rough and curly, but not waves, he's ginger.