hello everyone, ive come back to my lovely reliable site, that i use when i am in need of some advice, i havent been on here for ages...life has just got i the way(and two tiny terrors under the age of seven)hehe. i have two boars, one is drizzle, and he is two this august, he is the most placid little big who only thinks about his belly!he lost his mate punky last summer, and we were devestated! we got him a mate, after a long time debating, and worrying that they wouldnt get on, i am such a worrier, but he was just sitting in the corner of the cage like he was depressed! they have got on brilliant up till last week- the little one is really disturbing the peace!he shakes his bum, backs drizzle into a corner, then the teeth chattering starts-off drizzle, cuz he just doesnt want it! the sawdust flies everywhere, I'm suprised theres any left in the cage!i was expecting this to happen around xmas time, as spikey was six months then, so I'm in total shock that all of a sudden they are not gettin on!they havent lunged at eachother(i would be in tears if they had). ive read the post about dominance and all that- just wandering if theres anything else i should do?is this late for spikey to be behaving like this, or right on que? sometimes i feel like smacking his little pudgy nose for being such a firestarterxx>>>lol. i feel so sorry for big un- bless him. i shouldnt seperate them yet though should i?i should just try to ride it out, unless they start lungin?gemxx