Unfortunately had to separate our two Boars - Advice for going forwards


Junior Guinea Pig
May 16, 2020
Reaction score
Leeds, West Yorkshire
Hi TGPF - We've unfortunately had to separate our two Boars, Walker and Bluebear, as they fought recently (See Scabs possibly from fighting - Trial separation warranted?) - We took the decision to separate them as Walker also had withstood wounds (Albeit lesser in severity); given this, we're running a trial separation at the moment, but we don't know if this should be permanent; Walker has always had problems with hormones, and with it being spring it's obviously escalated, however if we do need to separate, would 3x3.5 C&C be enough space for them individually? Our cage layout at the moment as a whole is 3x7, but we've split it down the middle for now.

Both Bluebear and Walker are biting the bars towards the other, but when we first separated them, they went to eat with no issue. Bluebear and Walker have been popcorning as well whilst separated. When we searched Walker and Bluebear, we did notice a few scabs coming off, but the wounds seemed to be healed. We did also test with Hydrogen Peroxide separately on the scabs, and confirmed they were caused by blood. Obviously we want what's best for them, but we also have limits to how large we can make the cage. If someone can help, it would be massively appreciated.