OK, I have two 12 week old guinea pigs and they are sisters.
Smartie is larger than her sister Skittle, but Smartie seems very underweight. She was poorly last week after I overdid the fresh foods (she overdosed on broccoli and had runny poos for a day or two). I took her to the vet and he treated her - at that point we were concerned that it may have been to do with the coccidia bacteria).
I'm pleased to report that she is now much better, eating and drinking normally and I want to start re-introducing fresh foods (in smaller quantities). They currently have a bowl of pet shop dry food, unlimited hay (which they love) and for a few hours a day when I can get them outside fresh grass (which they love even more)!
I want to change the dry mix they've been having as it's a muesli type food with lots of coloured bits in :rolleyes: and I'd rather get them onto a good quality pellet to avoid selective feeding, so I'd appreciate recommendations on that please. Also I'd like advice on what vegetables to give and it what sort of quantities as I'm a bit nervous of reintroducing them after making Smartie ill last week
She really does seem very thin - instead of having a nice plump rump like my former piggies had she has hollows either side of her spine She seems happy and active, she's very vocal and popcorns around in the run so i don't think she's ill.... just skinny :err:
Smartie is larger than her sister Skittle, but Smartie seems very underweight. She was poorly last week after I overdid the fresh foods (she overdosed on broccoli and had runny poos for a day or two). I took her to the vet and he treated her - at that point we were concerned that it may have been to do with the coccidia bacteria).
I'm pleased to report that she is now much better, eating and drinking normally and I want to start re-introducing fresh foods (in smaller quantities). They currently have a bowl of pet shop dry food, unlimited hay (which they love) and for a few hours a day when I can get them outside fresh grass (which they love even more)!
I want to change the dry mix they've been having as it's a muesli type food with lots of coloured bits in :rolleyes: and I'd rather get them onto a good quality pellet to avoid selective feeding, so I'd appreciate recommendations on that please. Also I'd like advice on what vegetables to give and it what sort of quantities as I'm a bit nervous of reintroducing them after making Smartie ill last week
She really does seem very thin - instead of having a nice plump rump like my former piggies had she has hollows either side of her spine She seems happy and active, she's very vocal and popcorns around in the run so i don't think she's ill.... just skinny :err: