Underfloor Heating

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 10, 2011
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Hi Guys

Thinking ahead for when I move into my new place, is it going to be ok keeping a cage on the floor if Ive got underfloor heating? The whole of the downstairs only has under floor heating.

I am planning on getting some more piggies when I move. Now I could keep them outside, as theres a very sheltered side garden thats totally enclosed. But I dont want to keep them outside.

I was going to keep them in the dining room on the floor either in a C&C or a plastic cage.

So... thoughts please.....I know its going to depend on the temperature that I keep it at, but if theyre on the floor will they still get too hot? Another option I'm thinking of is a cage on wheels, but it would be great to have a C&C.

I'm sure theres a very simple answer, but I'm over analysing and cant make any sense lol!
I don't think it would be a problem. You will only have it on when its cold enough and sure they will appreciate it :)

Or you could have a raised C&C and storage underneath :)
I don't think it would be a problem. You will only have it on when its cold enough and sure they will appreciate it :)

Or you could have a raised C&C and storage underneath :)

Oh Duh! See I knew there was a simple answer lol! mallethead Thank you

C&C with storage underneath, of course!

I am also liking the cage on wheels idea, so I can wheel them in and out of the lounge into whatever room I'm in so I can interact with them and make it easier getting them in and out for floor/garden time
I have seen pictures on here where people have used like chipboard underneath their C+C cage and attached wheels too, so that you can move it when you need to clean.
I have a similar problem when I plan to move my piggies into the utility for winter. It has underfloor heating (yes its a posh utility:red) but you can set the temperature stat in the room lower so that the floor does not get too warm.
However, I would not put the piggies straight onto the heated floor myself - however good the heating system is you can get 'hot spots' sometimes so it would be better raised on chunky planks of wood / storage box or try a hutch with legs.:)
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