Under Fleece?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Chorley, Lancashire
I just got my guinea pigs back after they stayed at my parents for a month whilst I moved.
I never noticed a smell before, but I got them back yesterday and put their cage back exactly how I normally had it, and I feel like I can smell them more now. Now I know I'm not expecting them to be smell free but I just wondered if anyone used particular things under fleece to stop the smell or if you found using a certain thing made the smell worse?
I currently use puppy pads on the bottom, towels in the middle and fleece on top with pads and stuff on top. Could it be the towels?
It might be. I have only recently got my 2 guinea pigs and put them onto fleece in their top cage. I put the towels on the bottom then the puppy pads and then the fleece. I don't know what way it's supposed to go but I figured the puppy pads would soak in the urine and therefore most of the smell.i have also heard of adding vinegar when washing the bedding c I hope you find a solution soon.
There's not much point putting towels under puppy pads because the pads are waterproof on the bottom. You could try it without towels though.

If you've moved house could it just be different ventilation making the smell more apparent?
Yes I know I just put the towels under the puppy pads for extra cushioning not for absorbancy ( I know I am strange I like to pamper my piggies. ) lol.
Are there certain types of puppy pads that you should use? I worry about my boys chewing through the fleece and the pads, and I know some pads have chemicals in them. Thanks for the advice!
I found that my pigs pee towels smell even after I wash them on 60. I found putting a little zoflora disinfectant in the fabric softener bit sorts that wee smell out :)
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