Uncle-Ton 2

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Jan 23, 2006
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Video of him taking the syringe! He loves it! Water in that one!

That little brown patch above his lug is a new bit of colour


A bit of shape back


Oozing with cuteness!


Aww kelly he is sooo adorable! gosh he really loves that syringe ;D
Awww, bless him. For seven years of age he is in brilliant shape and condition. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
awww he's gorgeous! :smitten: :smitten: He's such a good boy as well drinking from that syringe for you!

hugs xxxxx :smitten:
and takes his food too! Took him a week to learn that he could do it himself with the need of a struggle!

You can feel his bones right at the back of him :( But slowly fattening out again at the sides :)
Some guineas do get a little more bony as they get older. I am so pleased he is getting better. Well done Uncle Ton and Kelly. :) :smitten:
Such a good piggie! Was he taking his meds? They must take nice O0
He's goooorgeous! :smitten:
LOL reminds me of Duke having his feeds :smitten:

Awwwwwwww Ton you handsome boy, and clever boy too :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

How much does he weigh now Kelly?
AWWWWWW ton!! I can see your poos! ;D ;D ;D

hes looking gorgeous, tbh wouldnt know there was or had been anything wrong!! Great job kelly! Wish you were my mummy! ;D ;D ;D
aawwwww Uncle ton you are looking cool babe and dont you just love being hand watered, Kelly he is looking so good after our recent pMs i thought he was going down hill but can now see what a fighter he is nice one Uncle Ton keep it up :smitten:
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