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Unbonded piggy going to vet as pawholder?


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 4, 2020
Reaction score
This is theoretical, but I like to be prepared. If piggies are unbonded and living side by side as neighbors, and 1 needs to go to the vet, should you take the other one in a separate carrier as a support buddy? I have 2 boars, if that makes a difference.
I even designed my own carrier made from the c&c grids. I was thinking I'd fit the bottom/halfway up the sides with coroplast. This way they can still have maximum interaction through the bars, and pawholder can still hold paw, but separately so.
It's pretty sturdy. I have all the grids basically ziplocked together, and just the top grids latched with a clip for easy opening and loading/unloading of piggies. I can't imagine that the plastic carriers are sturdier than this.
The grids are 14 inches each, so this would be 14x28x14 inches.
What do you guys think?
That’s a clever idea. I think your piggies would find it very open, you would need a cover over the top, to make them feel a lot more secure.
Also as you mentioned you would need to cover the grids at the bottom, to make it safe.

Just a thought, would they have enough room to turn around?
We have a large cat carrier ( intended for 2 piggies) and a smaller one. Both have enough space to move, turn around- and pop a small fleece house in if necessary. I always pop plenty of hay in to.

Our 2 boys live separately, as neighbours. We only take the piggie going to the vet appointment, the other boy stays home. Unless on the rare occasion we have, what we call a family outing to the vets, for health checks. In which case both guinea pigs travel in their own separate covered carrier.