Unattended in run?


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 9, 2021
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Hi everyone. Just a very quick Q. I am waiting for the sun to appear and then plan to put my piggies in their run for a couple of hours. I can work in the kitchen with full view of them during this time - but my question is, can I leave them unattended for 15 minutes while I pick up the children?

There are cats around (I have two!) in the neighbour hood, and I have seen foxes in our garden before sunrise.

What can I do to make sure it is safe, other than no gaps and perhaps pegging the run down? I have this run and a lid for it.
I wouldn’t do it. I know it’s only 15mins but I think it’s not worth the risk.
I wouldn’t do it. I know it’s only 15mins but I think it’s not worth the risk.

You\re right. It's not worth the stressful feeling of rushing there and back, and not knowing. If I came back and something had happened, or they escaped, it would be dreadful. Decision made. Thank you! I'll either pop them out sooner hopefully if the sun appear to make it feel warmer!And pop them back before school run, or I'll do it when the children are home.
I remember about 10 years ago when I got my very first piggies, I popped them in the run and went to my parents house. I’d just sat down and told them that my new piggies were outside in their run for the first time and my dad said “they dig holes don’t they?” I shot out of their house so fast expecting them to have dug their way out under the run. I never left them after that. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Yeah defo don’t leave them in a run while you nip out. Definitely not worth the risk. Plus a Fox could dig into the run. Or even a neighbours cat pester them and frighten them. 💕
My cats are currently sitting and watching them in their run. And I am watching them watching the piggies! But they happily eating their grass and exploring in the safety of their zillion hides! I'm going to get them in before I fetch the children. And then maybe I can pop them back out after. They are absolutely loving it! chirping and little squeaks of joy. 😍


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Oh and there I was feeling good I'd set up their cage on my own, screwed on the top etc - only to realise I had screwed it on the wrong way - so I can't lift it up. So it's going to be fun trying to get them back in as I'll have to crawl in via the side door! 🤦🏻‍♀️
I thought I may put mine on the patio tomorrow in the run for a couple of hours. That's if I can get it out of the shed that is. My lawn desperately needs treating and has about 3 blades of grass in amongst the weeds and the moss!