Uh oh, I seem to have gained one :)


Rescue Buddy/Senior Guinea Pig
Forum Donator 2024/25
Oct 31, 2012
Reaction score
North Dorset, England
Well, one of my neighbours has had guinea pigs for a while, unfortunately she lost her oldest piggy to illness & had to be helped over rainbow bridge at the beginning of the week :(
her guineas were well looked after, loved & cared for. But she decided she just couldn't face losing any more of these wonderful little creatures, so wanted to rehome her remaining piggy so she could have company....
cue ... this is the bit where i come in....
Soooooooooo now i have seemed to have gained this sweet little lady, a young tricolour Teddy :love::love:
she's a very sociable little girl& has been introduced to my other 3 already, a little bit of chasing in the run was done & they have been happily munching on hay ever since :D
So everybody meet Bumblebee (she's keeping her original name)
(not many photo's yet i wanted to let them get to know each other, without me interfering!)
give me two ticks i have to add the photo from my phone....DSC_0346.webpDSC_0345.webp
Aww bless her yes she's a half&half...
black botty & white wheeky bit one side & black/brown/white blotches the other :wub:
... Lol no shes not attached to orca in any way! ;)
I do love 2 in 1 piggies and it does look like it's one piggy with 2 heads!
Awwwwww What a cutie!

Congratulations she has landed on her paws with you!
Please and thank you is a dieing art in this day and age,😯😒😥

This morning I had a visit from bumblebees previous mum & children, they dropped off a bag dandelions that they had picked for the girls with a lovely thank you card & £ voucher for having bumblebee for them.
Must admit... It Made my eyes water a little bit ;)
I think it must have been a little bit of hay in them ;) 15437537886644794029960971105729.webp


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How lovely she is still in their thoughts and they must really appreciate you giving her a good home with your girls.
How lovely she is still in their thoughts and they must really appreciate you giving her a good home with your girls.
They went by the other day & came in for a cuddle with Bumblebee. We ended up with all 4 girls in here being made a fuss of :)
I don't think they really wanted to give her up, but couldn't face saying goodbye to any more, or for her to be lonely either.
She was definitely loved & cared for :wub: