Two young boys driving me mad. Advice needed please

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

Yes it is me again, reporting back on the two boys Jo and I got from Pets for Homes on New Years Eve.

Everything has been alright. Both of them finish their course of anti-biotics tomorrow which we are glad about and overall they have been getting on, until now....!

They are driving us mad, firstly the submittive one Bumble, keeps sniffing Clyde's bottom, this has happened all day today, he has continuously followed him around. First of all I thought Clyde didn't mind but tonight (1.00am in the morning), both are at it.

I've had to come into the living room to take one out for cuddles as they are driving me mad. Both are sniffing and wanting to put their noses up eachothers bottoms. The dominant male Clyde is getting in on the act and all we can hear is loud screeching sounds from Bumble, as he runs around the cage with Clyde menacely chasing him.

Do I close the door and leave them to it, or will a fight break out?

We have a vet appointment for them on Tuesday but seriously I can't put up with this much longer, when will it stop or do they need their balls snipped off? :-)

Any advice would be most appreciated.


Andy and Jo
Apparently bottom sniffing and a bit of mounting is normal for boars. Mine do a lot of bottom sniffing, squeaking and chasing but nothing I feel concerned about. One of mine does a bit of hip swaying and chattering at another but again it never goes any further. I am no expert but I think if they stand up on their back legs with their heads held back at one another then that may be a sign they could fight. Hope this helps.

You are right to keep an eye on their behaviour because they are youngsters who are still settling in to their pairing. However, chasing and bum sniffing is just usual boy stuff.
Hopefully they will settle down but keep an eye for signs of agression eg hackles up, big yawns showing teeth. As has been said in other threads, a pile of hay or bits of veggies for them to find in a pile of hay or hay in a loo roll tube can be a distraction.
My boys did this all the time, and still do in new environments, like when taking out to run around. I don't think it's a bad thing, unless your having biting or blood drawn, they sound like they are getting on alright.
I wouldn't worry to much as for my pigs it was a faze and it soon went. I left my pigs too it, but gave them alot of hideys to just chill out and get away from each other when they wanted to.
If i remember correctly, i've read before that getting there parts chopped of won't really help, but I'm not sure someone else could probably confirm that for you. :)
My boys did this all the time, and still do in new environments, like when taking out to run around. I don't think it's a bad thing, unless your having biting or blood drawn, they sound like they are getting on alright.
I wouldn't worry to much as for my pigs it was a faze and it soon went. I left my pigs too it, but gave them alot of hideys to just chill out and get away from each other when they wanted to.
If i remember correctly, i've read before that getting there parts chopped of won't really help, but I'm not sure someone else could probably confirm that for you. :)
This may sound strange, but when one of my two girls comes into season the other one tries o mount her.. doesn't make sense as they are both girls - but it might just be their natural behaviour?.. ?/
This is fairly common behaviour for pigs that have been on antibiotics - they are trying to eat the other pig's poo to replace the gut flora they need for a healthy gut. AB's kill off the good bacteria as well as the bad so a supplement of probiotic powder on their food will help. I use Avipro but you can also get Pro-C from large petshops.


Suzy x
This may sound strange, but when one of my two girls comes into season the other one tries o mount her.. doesn't make sense as they are both girls - but it might just be their natural behaviour?.. ?/

My girls are always at it when in season..continually mounting each other for a few hours, one positively loves it which I find very worrying! Sometimes its hormonal (in season) other times its to do with establishing dominance. Nothing to worry about though. I also think they do it when we are watching to freak us out the first time!:<>
It is normal behaviour - both for recovering piggies (trying to eat another piggy's healthy poos to kick start their own gut flora) as for mild dominance bahviour. With both of them recovering, they have more energy to sort out their relationship. The loud screaming is signalling submission and no more.
It is normal behaviour - both for recovering piggies (trying to eat another piggy's healthy poos to kick start their own gut flora) as for mild dominance bahviour. With both of them recovering, they have more energy to sort out their relationship. The loud screaming is signalling submission and no more.

V interesting about the poo eating - so it is bum sniffing with added purpose in this case! Clever piggies - and also clever Wiebke and Suzy for knowing that it happens post antibiotics!

Hope this explains some of the behaviour to Andy the OP
Like Suzy said, they're most likely trying to eat each other poop! and all the other behaviour sounds normal for boars.

Some days Winston chases Flinn continually and trys to mount him and some days he does, sometimes he's just a pain in the butt! :))
But he is only 6 months so again, normal! (unfortunately for Flinn lol...)
At night I put a heavy blanket over my piggies cage and tell them its piggy bed time about an hour before I go to bed - they are smart and will get into a routine soon - its like bringing newborns home from hospital! Bumble has had his two wives for 10 days now - the first 4 nights were terrible - there was squeeking, mounting rumble strutting going on all night - I slept in with my daughter for 3 nights - I had no sleep and was exhausted - they are all sorted and settled now - and like my other girlies and Bumble when he was on his own - they all put themselves to bed now:(|)
Oh and neutering, besides being risky is highly unlikely to make any difference to their behaviour!
Well Are You Sure They Are Boys? To Check You Lightly Press Just Above Their Private Area. Unless They Are Just Greeting, Rubbing Cheeks And Doing Little Cute Piggy Kisses Are Also Signs Of Greet It Happens When I Mix In A New Pig :) Hope This Helped!
My girls are always at it when in season..continually mounting each other for a few hours, one positively loves it which I find very worrying! Sometimes its hormonal (in season) other times its to do with establishing dominance. Nothing to worry about though. I also think they do it when we are watching to freak us out the first time!:<>

thanx that was a great help! always wondered why they did it.. thank-youu! :)
It could also be that they have hit the teenage stage. It will help to give them as much room as possible, and ensure that they have two of everything - hideys, water bottles etc. There are lots of threads on here about boar behaviour so have a browse.
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