Two sows & un-neutered boar separated

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 29, 2011
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Hi everyone

recently, I answered a gumtree ad "free gunie pig in plastic container". Needless, to say i couldn't help myself and got it. Lets just say the ad was true, wee boy in plastic storage box 40"sq, no hay, water only kitchen towel and flakes..don't know what age but looks 6 - 9 months. He was not good, bad tummy and starving.. anyway, i took him, vet checked him, he is fine and not neutered and now called Lemmy.

My problem, my two girls were in ferplast 120 and playpen at night. I built a c and c, bottom level 4 x 3 for 2grids, then going into the 4 x 2 with a 2 x 1 hayloft and for boy Lemmy 4 x 1 in L shape. At the hayloft, there is a divider where they can see each other and sniff through the bars. Lemmy tried his hardest to squeeze through the 2"... they have been rumbling and hormonal minnie been upset. Today maxi met lemmy at the divider and Maxi didn't seem bothered but Lemmy was all wound up. Minnie is already hormonal so the new scent is driving her mad.

Should i just leave the girls on the bottom and Lemmy on top. I thought it would be nice for them to get to know each other and maybe consider having Lemmy neutered so he can join them? instead of him being upstairs. Is it also possible that they don't like their new place, even though its much bigger?

any advice please..susan
If you can, have Lemmie neutered by a good vet. Please be aware that he will still need a full 6 weeks post-op wait to make sure that he is safe. I've got a surprise baby courtesy of a supposedly safe over 5 week post-op boar (not one of mine), just to prove that particular point.
Here is our map of recommended vets:

For the time being, just leave them next to each other; what you are witnessing is very normal for when boy meets girls for the first time. Lemmie will eventually find the turn-on switch for his brain again and things should quieten down eventually. You may see the girls getting a stronger season at first and some more drama during that time, but they will get used to being next to each other. Just make very sure that Lemmie can't get out of his cage; determined boars can be very persistent and creative!
Thanks Wiebke.. Would girls on bottom and Lemmy on top be just as good for them as seeing each other? I would just like to keep Lemmy so much, I think as you suggest, he be neutered. Will need to think on this due to time scales, care required and recommended vet in Falkirk which is about 1 hour from here.

Any other advice very welcome.

thanks susan
No, he wouldn't be able to have the same kind of interaction when he can't see his neighbours if he was above them.

Young boars can be very exciteable, but if you want him to live with your girls, you have to get it over with some way or other. He will also be much more acceptable to your girls if they are used to him and have been able to interact with him.
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