Two recently bonded sows meeting a new sow.


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 17, 2018
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Hi everyone, long story short I have had my girl Penny for around six years, she has bonded perfectly with her last two cagemates (one girl Poppy who passed away sadly and then later Thomas who has also unfortunately passed away). We decided she needed a friend once again and adopted a sow, Pipsqueak, from the SSPCA. We have now had Pip for about six weeks and her and Penny have gotten really close recently and are really getting along nicely.
We decided since we have the space to take another rescue sow in this week, Pepper. Pepper arrived this afternoon and I am in the process of bonding however, Pepper is showing lots of aggression possibly? She has nipped/lunged at Penny a few times causing Penny to squeal and cower/duck, she has then done the same to Pipsqueak. Not a lot of rumble strutting or teeth chattering happening, Pepper is really keen on sniffing the two girls back ends but the girls don’t seem to be doing it to her. The girls aren’t showing aggression toward her just Pepper, the newcomer, to them.
Pepper continually seemed to lick at Penny’s ear at one point, eventually Penny lay down, she then did the same to Pip but only for a short time and went back to Penny licking and almost snuggling under her chin….this then caused Pip and Penny, already bonded, to get a little snappy at each other?!
Is this normal? It really seems vicious and I’m so worried as Pip was really timid when we got her and I don’t want her to lose her confidence and Penny is my little old lady I do not want her getting hurt.
Obviously they are supervised, they are on neutral ground together with just hay and water as advised, perhaps I have always just been lucky with my guinea pigs before that they have always bonded quickly and calmly but I have never seen aggression like this before, I understand it could just be a normal bonding behaviour but it was causing both Pip and Penny to squeal and cower.
I really want this to work out, Pepper came into a rescue as a stray and she’s a lovely wee thing I want to give her the best chance at fitting in with my girls and having a good home.
I’m a little stressed I won’t lie, it’s been a long day and I naively assumed that we would bond all three easily as Penny has matched with everyone she has ever met and Pip is a sweet, shy little thing I just presumed she would go with the flow, Pepper certainly has character.
Are Pip and Penny still ok together? I tried bonding my sow and boar pair (Elizabeth and Edward) with a pair of girls back in 2020 and it caused Elizabeth to pick a fight with Edward so the lady bonding them abandoned it and the bonding was classed as a failure and we came home without the sows pair. Thankfully Elizabeth and Edward calmed down but their bond could quite easily have been broken.

If Pip and Penny are fighting with each other, I’d say the bonding with Pepper has failed and you should take her away immediately before the bond between Pip and Penny breaks down as the last thing you want is 3 separate sows.

Elizabeth and Edward did bond with a sow pair, Ella and Esme in 2021. But after Edward passed away in 2022 and I just had my 3 girls, they got used to being a trio and when @Wiebke tried bonding them with her baby boar earlier this year the bonding failed. Ella passed away earlier this year so I just have Elizabeth and Esme but I’m taking a break from guinea pigs after they’ve passed away.

I’d try again tomorrow after they’ve all had chance to calm down as it’s been a long day but it really does come down to character compatibility and you may have to accept that Pepper may be too dominant for Pip and Penny and they are happy as they are

Good luck x
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See how it goes. Pepper is obviously slightly on the fear aggression side and is trying to establish her leadership. If that is accepted, then the new hierarchy travels down, meaning that Penny is going to reaffirm her ranking against Penny. If this stays in the milder range and there is no real aggression in it, then I would let it run.
Our bonding guide will take you through the different stages of the bonding process. See whether the behaviour is conforming with the various stages or whether there is real over the top dominance issue between Penny and Pip.
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics

Unfortunately, sight unseen I cannot judge the crucial body language.