Two pigs passing within a week


New Born Pup
Nov 2, 2024
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We are new to owning guinea pigs. We adopted them only two months ago and as far as I know we’ve been doing everything right. Plenty of clean space, food, hay, enrichment toys. It was a mama and her baby. We came home one evening and the baby (not a little baby anymore) was dead. She had been absolutely fine and was always so full of energy. (The hardest to pick up) since she passed the mama has been lethargic and depressed. I contacted a vet and got food to syringe feed her. Tonight the mama is very obviously in the dying process and I just don’t understand. Is it because she was depressed and I just didn’t get the liquid food in time? I’m just so sad for these piggies and my daughter (their human mama)
Very sorry to hear of your loss. It is very sad. Snuggle softly over the bridge little ones 🌈
Welcome to the forum. It is great to have you with us. Very sad about your piggies ❤️
Very sorry to hear of your loss. It is very sad. Snuggle softly over the bridge little ones 🌈
My daughter is 10 and showed much maturity last night. She loved on that sweet guinea pig until she took her last breath. She said that atleast she got to say goodbye to this one. Her thoughts were that Spice wasn’t alone because her mama was there when she died. And now Pumpkin wasn’t alone because she was holding her through it.

My husband and I wonder if the previous owner knew something was wrong and that’s why they surrendered them :/ I really truly don’t think it’s anything we did or didn’t do.
Welcome to the forum, I'm sorry it's in these circumstances. I am not one of the most experienced piggy slaves but I am aware that there are far too many life limited piggies due to irresponsible breeding. This has led to some of them having genetic issues.
You gave them some happy todays before passing which is a blessing.
Popcorn high over the rainbow bridge Pumpkin and Spice 🌈
An update. The second guinea just passed in my daughter’s arms. This is heartbreaking.

Hi and welcome


I am so very sorry. It is a very traumatic experience and leaves devastated and with the need to make sense of what has just happened. Piggies can die very suddenly but when two of them die so quickly after each other without showing illness then the cause is usually outside the body. And it definitely doesn't sound like it is down to lack of care or any infectious diseases - you would see symptoms first.

Have you recently turned on the heating and could monoxide levels be the cause? Since you are not mentioning any specific illness symptoms, my thinking is rather going towards an environmental or food poisoning angle; any youngsters would be more quickly affected than bigger piggies. The 'depression'/apathy you mention is consistent with vague monoxide poisoning symptoms. Guinea pigs are much smaller than humans and with a very small and sensitive respiratory tract, so they are affected much sooner than humans.

It is the only thing that comes to my mind. I can however only guess and without any post mortem examination delivering results (which is not always possible) you will sadly always remain guessing. :(

Please try to take consolation in that you and your daughter have given your piggies the good care and happy todays they would have wanted from their life, even if it was only for a short time. But it still counts and it still has made a difference in their lives.

You may find these links here helpful; they contain further links where you can find help for yourself and your daughter if you struggle.

I have lost two of my own (unrelated) piggies in the wake of a very humid heat spike this summer within less than 48 hours, so I can sympathise just how horrible it is and how it can shake you and your confidence to the core. Try to be kind with yourself. You haven't done anything obvious wrong.

For supporting your daughter:

For yourself:

PS: I am moving your thread to our new End of Life and Bereavement Support Corner for ongoing support. Our community is here for you for as long a you wish to.

Please bookmark your personal thread so you can always pick it up easily again. It helps both sides.