Two Piggies - One Frightened One Okay?

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New Born Pup
Aug 4, 2015
Reaction score

So cheese and crackers have arrived at home, and cheese is settling in great. He is older - about 10 months or a little more and he is the dominant pig (for now anyway, more on that later). He is very brave. He hardly hides unless I stick my hand in the cage with no food or if there is a loud noise. He takes treats from my hand and he will inspect me when I'm making changes to the cage, like changing the water bottle. Also when I have him out on my knee he cuddles right in, grooms my hands and gives me lots of licks.

Crackers however is a conpletely other story. He will come out of his hidey only if it is mostly silent and he runs at the slightest movement. He freezes when I have him out and bolts if he has the chance. He won't take food from me and tries to avoid me at all costs, which is fair. He is only 6 weeks after all.

So my main question is - what do I do about this? Do I just handle cheese for the time being and let crackers do his own thing and only let him out for free range time with cheese? Or do I keep taking him for one on one time even if he doesn't like it?

Also, cheese was the dominant pig when he was at his previous house. But I think that was because crackers was introduced to his home. Now that they are in a neutral cage I think crackers is challenging him. I see him chasing cheese and cheese will try to enter the hide that crackers is in and will squeal and run away. I even saw crackers try to mount cheese! Luckily it doesn't look like cheese is upset about being submissive - could this be signs of future trouble? Is there any way that I can help them sort things out or just keep watch?

They are both always rumbling and being noisey but there hasn't been any teeth chattering or any fights, so I think that's good?
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