Two pairs of boars - scent?


New Born Pup
Apr 19, 2020
Reaction score
London, UK
Hello all,

I’m completely in love with my naughty boars Pepper and Noodle - bonding them felt challenging though! A month in they still square up to each other at times but it’s got so much better and I’m hoping that after teenage years they’ll calm down lots :). With that in mind I would like to get another boar pair when I know that Pepper and Noodle are solid together (still worried that a flare up in teenage years may mean I have to separate - in which case we’d get them each a friend via boar dating).
I will extend my c&c cage so that the new pair can live above or below. My question is - I know that boars can get agitated when they smell a female, but with another boar pair can I recycle hideys/bedding etc? Or would they need their own completely separate stuff ?
i would never introduce them but I have got a lot of good quality bits that I’d like to use for them and I’d like to rotate them in my indoor run. Wondering if the scent of other boys could set them off and lead Pepper to try to establish his dominance with Noodle again?
Many thanks all,
Two separate boar pairs should be absolutely fine with the scents etc. They will be curious about where the other smells are coming from but in theory it shouldn’t cause issues between your current boys.
I would have a completely separate set of hideys etc for each pair though.
Two separate boar pairs should be absolutely fine with the scents etc. They will be curious about where the other smells are coming from but in theory it shouldn’t cause issues between your current boys.
I would have a completely separate set of hideys etc for each pair though.
Thank you very much for your reply :). I’ll get them separate set of hideys - I’m actually a little addicted to buying hideys! So many sweet wooden ones out there ! (And of course making sure with two exits always)