Two pairs of boars, how much space between cages? Possible?


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 22, 2021
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Hi all,

So a little background, I have two boy piggles, 14 months (Raphael) and about 3 months old (Nepal). My wee man, now 16 years old 🤯, helps me clean out the boys every day and has asked about getting a pair of his own. I’ve never had more than 2 pigs before, so before I agree to anything I want to make sure I wouldn’t be having a negative effect on my current lil men. Raphael was a pet shop piggie so he could have had experience living near females, but I can’t be 100% sure, Nepal however was a single baby so I can only presume the only contact he’s had with a sow is mum. I’ve read that having sows close can cause a bonded pair to fight, so I’ve been looking for a pair of boars.

So, if I was to get another pair of boars would it cause issues for my current pair? Could they be in the same room? Or would it be possible to have one pair upstairs and one pair downstairs? I’d imagine at least a few times a week I’d be helping clean, and tbh I’d more than happily do so, but will the smell of the other boars on me cause problems?

I’d love wee man to have some pets of his own, but only if it doesn’t effect our current two.

Thank you for any help.

piggie tax 😊
Hi all,

So a little background, I have two boy piggles, 14 months (Raphael) and about 3 months old (Nepal). My wee man, now 16 years old 🤯, helps me clean out the boys every day and has asked about getting a pair of his own. I’ve never had more than 2 pigs before, so before I agree to anything I want to make sure I wouldn’t be having a negative effect on my current lil men. Raphael was a pet shop piggie so he could have had experience living near females, but I can’t be 100% sure, Nepal however was a single baby so I can only presume the only contact he’s had with a sow is mum. I’ve read that having sows close can cause a bonded pair to fight, so I’ve been looking for a pair of boars.

So, if I was to get another pair of boars would it cause issues for my current pair? Could they be in the same room? Or would it be possible to have one pair upstairs and one pair downstairs? I’d imagine at least a few times a week I’d be helping clean, and tbh I’d more than happily do so, but will the smell of the other boars on me cause problems?

I’d love wee man to have some pets of his own, but only if it doesn’t effect our current two.

Thank you for any help.

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piggie tax 😊


You can house same gender piggies right next to each other, including mixed gender groups with just one bonded 'husboar' each.
Single boars can live next to other boars, sows or mixed gender pairs and groups as they have nopig to fall out with.

The only big No No is bonded boars right next to sows; especially when you introduce sows into a boars-only room.
You may have to cable-tie any shared grids if you have a persistent cage rattler.
Another thought, will the new boys be able to use the same fleeces as my first two? I do a full cage clean at least once a week and rotate the fleece liners. Will the smell of the other boys cause issues? I currently have enough fleeces to keep them completely separate, but I have some guineadad liners with the cute lil pockets that I’d love the new boys to use if possible.

Thank you as always
That’s exactly what I was hoping. I’ll pop one of the guineadads in after the next wash and see how they react. Thank you 😊
I have two male/female pairs and I use/swap the same (washed) fleece and beds with both pairs, like to change it up a bit for me and the piglets!
I prefer to have dedicated bedding for each cage but sometimes allow the piggies to trash stuff from other cages on the time shared roaming ground. This gives them enrichment without making it feel like a cage intrusion, which can lead to problems. Especially teenage boars can react very sensitive; even to replacing clean bedding and removing the group scent.
I have 3 sets of boar pairs (well, 2 pairs and a single boy who lives with his neighbours). Absolutely no problems at all with them living alongside each other. each have their own bedding, though it does get swapped around after washing (I can never remember which colour mats go in which cage)! You may get some rumble strutting at the bars, but other pairs have never upset my existing pairs and they usually settle down a couple of days after the new ones arrive.
So far my first two have spent the last day hiding, until veg time obviously, then they’re little social piggles. The new boys are settling in nicely. Caught Lincoln chewing on the puppy pads under the fleece earlier, so I’ve covered it up, but other than that I’ve had no issues with either pair of boys in the same room.