Two or three?

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Dec 2, 2012
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Just about to home my first piggies - would 3 sows work or are they generally better in pairs? Wouldn't want anyone to feel pushed out, so not sure whether to go with 2?

Thanks for your help :) Found a lovely couple of sisters today, there were about 6 living together, there was a third one there who is adorable too but wouldn't want to split up the original two, so wondering if a trio is likely to work or not. I think the third was a sow, seen quite a few so I may be mixed up with a neutered boar!
Hi there. In my experience I do not like three sows together as one can be left out. If you have the space then four works great but if not I would stick to two.
i think it depends on the piggies and the amount of space you have. i have a trio of three girls who get on very well. i also have a neutered male living with two sows and a trio of rabbits. nobody is left out or bullied but the possibility of this happening is something to consider.
Hi! I have two piggies and I think it works really well. It really just depends on the time and space you have for them. But if I were you, I'd get two:)
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