Two Naughty Guinea Pigs

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 29, 2010
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Just mere minutes ago I got a call from my mother telling me I had two lose guinea pigs walking around upstairs.

I quickly headed upstairs and there was Ryou and Sakurai walking around the guinea pig room. The two monkeys had found the corner of the CC, managed to somehow dislodge and opened it and walked out. Ryou obviously was the one in charge as Sakurai is too nervous to do that and leave on her own.

I ran downstairs to get a camera because I found it funny, returned and Ryou had returned into the cage. I quickly shut it and added an extra CC topper to keep it shut and then I got Sakurai and put her back in with him.

She had tried to return by herself when she realised Ryou was in there (she always follows him) but I'd locked it up by then so she was trapped between the shut cage and me. Of course mummy won. :))

They're so naughty. :))
Lol! What's funny is that I read this earlier and then... when I went in to check on the pigs who are out in the playpen in their room... I started picking up the poop in their cages and I'm thinking, "That's weird, there are some pig noises coming from the opposite direction of where I have their pen set up..." Yup, my little month and half old baby pig Vixen is running all over and about! Took me ages to catch her! She worked herself into a right state :) I guess I'll have to wait a little bit longer before she's wide enough to go in the playpen with her buds Hahahahaha!
Lol! What's funny is that I read this earlier and then... when I went in to check on the pigs who are out in the playpen in their room... I started picking up the poop in their cages and I'm thinking, "That's weird, there are some pig noises coming from the opposite direction of where I have their pen set up..." Yup, my little month and half old baby pig Vixen is running all over and about! Took me ages to catch her! She worked herself into a right state :) I guess I'll have to wait a little bit longer before she's wide enough to go in the playpen with her buds Hahahahaha!
Haha oh dear. We have all the naughty piggies escaping today don't we?

Ryou has done it before about a week ago but I thought I fixed it, but nope, he somehow managed to get out again.
Haha oh dear. We have all the naughty piggies escaping today don't we?

Ryou has done it before about a week ago but I thought I fixed it, but nope, he somehow managed to get out again.
I think Vixen can flatten herself like a mouse lol! She's just as hard to catch! ;)
I think Vixen can flatten herself like a mouse lol! She's just as hard to catch! ;)
Mine are usually hell to catch but Ryou had already entered the cage again to look innocent and Sakurai had tried to follow but by that point I'd done it up so she was trapped between the bars and me and I got her easily. It usually takes me a good 5-30mins. xD
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