Two more boys in the mix

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Dec 31, 2009
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Penicuik, nr Edinburgh
I have two boy guinea pigs, Sir David and Columbo. In the next 6 months I would like to get a couple more piggies. Obviously after being on the forum I would go down the rescue route. My questions is, if I got another 2 boys, obviously in a separate indoor cage would they be able to have floor time together or would they have to have separate floor time too. Would they just go for each other. ?/
Hi pinkyjo

I am glad you asked that as i was wondering that myself. Hopefully someone will be able to give us both an asnwer

We got our little boys from Penicuik and think I will be in Penicuik next saturday - nice wee place
Its a great place if you like Charity shops and chemists lol. I'm starting back at work at Tescos next Saturday. I have been off 12 weeks after a hysterectomy. What are you coming thru for....if thats not a rude question. I hope we get an answer soon from the experts on here.
Glad you're thinking of offering a home to some rescue piggies.

Generally pairs of boars can't share floor time with other boars, as you could break the bond of the pair and end up with lots of singles! Best keeping pairs as pairs

i have 5 boy piggies ben doesn't get on with other piggies for some reason he decides he's the boss tried to get him to play with jake & oliver the other day & he just strated humming & not being nice
ben hates harry on stight so no play time there
bambi just likes to jump so doesnt really play with them
they'll talk to each when their in their homes but not outside at play time
Some people have huge tribes of pigs (either all male or all female). You could try bonding them and have them all living together. Assuming your cage/hutch is big enough. I'm not sure about un-bonded pairs sharing the floor I'm afraid.
You would need a huge cage for 4 boars to even begin to think about getting on! C&C cage wise for every 2 boars you need a 6 x 2 cage (see Guinea Pig website). I think I'd stick with 2 pairs.
Oh, I wasn't going to keep them all together. I was just asking if they could have floor time together but obviously it looks like they would have to have separate floor time.
You would need a huge cage for 4 boars to even begin to think about getting on! C&C cage wise for every 2 boars you need a 6 x 2 cage (see Guinea Pig website). I think I'd stick with 2 pairs.

Where does it say that? For 2 pigs I can only see 2x4 cage required on the website.
In order to have successful bigger boar herds, you have to think about a minimum of 1 metre sqare per boar at all times* - oodles of space is the key. The less space, the greater the chance of fights.

Otherwise, I would leave mixing be; you need lots of experience and even then things can go wrong when characters don't gel. The risk with bonding multiple boars is that you can easily end up with four single boars instead of two pairs.

*this is the recommendation on German and Swiss guinea pig forums
Its fine. I will have them in two separate pairs, in separate cages and give them separate floor time and then they all should be happy.
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