Two Guinea Pig Boars

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member yz

Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 12, 2017
Reaction score
Hi there, I have two guinea pig boars, Joe, and Jack. Joe is the more dominant, Jack is a bit scared of everything still. Well I noticed today Jack had a bit taken out of his ear, and I wondered if Joe did it. But they are siblings and when I put them together are very happy to see each other. So do you think Joe did it? I need to know, I don't want a bossy or violent guinea pig. Thank you!
Hi and welcome

It is very likely, but as your two boys are not at odds with each other, it was likely more in the natuare of an accidental swipe.

Please be aware that boars go through some hormonal teenage months between 4-14 months of age once their testicles start descending. Whether they get on ultimately only decides once they develop their adult identities, as the key to any successful bond is character compatibility, i.e. a good mix of dominance and submission with some mutual liking mixed in. It doesn't matter one bit whether they are brothers or not - two dominant boars are bound to clash. That brothers don't fall out is unfortunately a persistent breeder myth and shop sales pitch to comply with the demand for baby piggies.

Please take the time to read these guides here. You may find them helpful in the coming months. The good news is that more boar pairs make without a fall-out than not.
Boars: A guide to successful companionship.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
New Owners' " How To" Starter Kit
Thank you! I will definatley check out those guides!
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