Two Bonded Males Started Fighting


New Born Pup
Oct 6, 2024
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Hi there!

I’m looking for some advice about my two male guinea pigs, both around 15 months old. We’ve had them for around 6 months and they’ve been getting on well, other than your standard dominance behaviours which I’ve read about on here.

We put them with someone for holiday boarding, the first time we did this they were fine with no issues and behaving completely normal. We did it for a second time over the last few days and they started being very aggressive and escalated into fighting with the boarding place. The only change we can find really is that this time there were a female pair in the cage next door. The boarder separated them and tried to use common ground to re introduce them but it wasn’t working.

We’ve brought them home early and put them back into their enclosure but the fighting started again which is very unusual. We split the CC cage in half but they were being aggressive towards eachother through the divider so they are now in separate rooms overnight. Any advice on how to re introduce them? Could the nearby females cause this fighting? Is this temporary?

I’m sorry to hear this.

Sadly yes being near the females may well have caused it. Each time they go to a new environment they need to reestablish their bond so they would have been in a bit of turbulence because of being in the boarders anyway (in a stable pair it just results in dominance which they usually get over very quickly without harm to their bond) but sows right beside them would be highly likely to make things worse.
Reintroduction is always done on neutral territory but it is up to them whether they will go back together. I know this isn’t the news you would want but as they have had actual fights and two reintroductions have both failed unfortunately and sadly their bond is broken and they won’t go back together now.

Please do bring them back side by side. They still need companionship albeit through the bars. They will need to get over being riled up by each other which will take a few days but they do need to be side by side.
You will see territorial behaviours at the divider (pacing the divide, scent marking, power lie ins) while they mark their territory. Make sure the divide is secure (using cable ties is recommended).
Each side of a c&c needs to be a minimum of a 3x2.

I’m sorry this isn’t better news.

The guide below explains further.
