Two Boars

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Hello, I'm new here and I have a couple of questions about my two boars. I had one male piggy and I decided to get him a friend (another male). After doing the three week quarantine, I introduced the two. My first piggy is 2 months old and the new one is 3 months old. I introduced them in the bathroom and it seemed to go well. There was no teeth chattering, but there was mounting done by the first pig. He also did the sumo wrestler move with his bum, lol. After about an hour, I put them in their cage together. I have them in a 2x4 grid C&C cage. It looked like my first pig was being the dominant one, but now, 4 days later, it seems like the newer one is wanting to take charge (he is the older one). He is mounting and chasing the other one around. There is still no teeth chattering, but he is rumbling. I heard that all of this is normal dominace setting and it's not dangerous, but I just wanted to make sure. There has been no nipping or biting at all. I have two bowls in there and also two pigloos to sleep in. They do not sleep together, infact my first piggy always used to sleep in the pigloo, now he sleeps out in the open, even though there are two pigloos. I am worried about this :( He won't even go in the vacant one. They both do laps (not together) and they both popcorn, so are they ok? I'm really hoping I don't have to seperate them. They're certainly not hurting each other and the newer one is letting my first piggy eat and all that. I'm just worried about my first piggy not sleeping in any pigloo. Any advice? Thank you :)
They sound like they are doing great together! My two boars behave in exactly the same way! Dominance has been decided in our hutch with Sunshine the head boss! Twinkle did try it on but he has given up now and just accepts the position! They will figure it out themselves. Don't worry if they don't use igloos, mine do sometimes but when I peek on them one is sometimes out in the hutch just sitting there, it's not a problem.

Welcome to the forum!

All you can do is watch and wait! You're doing the right thing having two of everything, alot of people may say that they are too close in age but I have found this to be my best pairing with a month's difference in age, they are 12mths and 13mths now.

Just keep an eye on them, good luck and enjoy! :laugh:
Meant to say as well my two boars are similar in age Sunshine is 5 months and Twinkle 4 months 3 week. This has worked out better for me too!

Thank you to both of you :) I will definetly keep a close eye on them. I just thought that maybe my first piggy was unhappy that he got a friend and he was scared to go in the pigloo now, since he used to sleep in it all the time. I also heard that they are too close in age and that may be an issue, so I'm glad to hear that it has worked well for you both :) Thanks again O0
You're welcome! Its nice to pass on good news for a change!

Perhaps he was a bit lonely before so just snuggled in his pigloo to feel safe on his own?

Happy piggin' :laugh:
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