Two Become Three...

Louise's Zoo

Adult Guinea Pig
May 18, 2017
Reaction score
Not piggies but cages :(

If you've seen my other threads you will know my piggies have been falling out all over the place. I now need 3 enclosures for a trio and 2 single sows. I'm still trying to work out what to do with the single girls but for now they needed proper housing fast. The original setup I had just wouldn't work split into 3 so I needed new ideas and found a 2 cage stack idea on Youtube. I had enough grids so built it.

The bottom area houses Eva, Ellie and Eden and the top floor houses Edna. Both are 5x2 and the open front allows for very easy cleaning of the bottom level.

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That left enough floor space in the room to make Eileen her own 4x2 cage. I just need hay racks for her which will be here tomorrow. Ideally I would like the trios cage to be 6x2 and Eileen's cage to be 5x2 but I don't have enough grids and not sure about floor space. It isn't ideal and certainly not what I wanted but I think the girls will be happy enough for now..



Those set ups all look beautiful and the piggies look healthy and happy :)
I'm sorry your girlies have been falling out, perhaps when they're older they might want to try being sociable again?
I must of missed your thread about them falling out. It’s funny how some girls won’t get on with other guineas it must be hard work for you. Ruby would never really get on with her sister and when TItch died she seemed to become so chilled being on her own. Are the two sisters?
I must of missed your thread about them falling out. It’s funny how some girls won’t get on with other guineas it must be hard work for you. Ruby would never really get on with her sister and when TItch died she seemed to become so chilled being on her own. Are the two sisters?

Eileen and Edna are not related. Eileen is actually Eva's older daughter. Edna and Eileen became a pair when I had to remove Eva from them just after she had her babies. Just recently Edna had a fight with Eileen and now will not have her back. Eva and her 2 daughters will not accept Eileen and nor will they accept Edna! Nightmare.
What beautiful set ups they all have. The double one looks amazing. You could always expand it with the run?
What beautiful set ups they all have. The double one looks amazing. You could always expand it with the run?

The issue is I don't have much floor space now but I think I can move things about a bit so that Eileen's cage is against the other wall. Will have a try tomorrow :)
That looks amazing. Is there any additional support on the upper floor other than round the edges? I'm going to have lots of grids left over when my new guys move upstairs, and it might be an idea to do something like this with an interesting ramp for the terrible trio, as they love exploring.
The issue is I don't have much floor space now but I think I can move things about a bit so that Eileen's cage is against the other wall. Will have a try tomorrow :)
Your mind must be exhausted trying to work out what goes where! At least the girls are all safe just now even if it isn’t an ideal situation. Xx
A great setup :) So sorry you've had such a nightmare with it all :( x
That looks amazing. Is there any additional support on the upper floor other than round the edges? I'm going to have lots of grids left over when my new guys move upstairs, and it might be an idea to do something like this with an interesting ramp for the terrible trio, as they love exploring.

No support at all other than the edges. I did think it might be too flimsy but built it anyway. Easy to change if it didn't work but, it's surprisingly sturdy. I wouldn't recommend having lots of large piggies running round in it but for one Edna's size (1300g) it's fine. I did add cable ties, just in case the connectors pop off but they seem firmly in place :)

Your mind must be exhausted trying to work out what goes where! At least the girls are all safe just now even if it isn’t an ideal situation. Xx

I'm emotionally exhausted!

Today is a good day though. I just updated the thread in the bonding section. It seems things may have calmed down a little!

A great setup :) So sorry you've had such a nightmare with it all :( x

Thank you :)

Moved Eileen's area into the corner and managed to squeeze on 2 more grids :)


Do your piggies like the "Pig cuddle sack bed"? I saw that on Amazon and am thinking about getting it. But I have limited money right now and have a lot of things to choose from. Whats your opinion on it?
Hi I have it for my three but it is too small for them. Shame as it is soooo cute.
I think your set ups look amazing, and you have done a wonderful job for your piggies, despite the less than ideal circumstances.
Fingers crossed they see sense and everything settles down quickly now - you deserve a break!