Two Baby Boys

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
Telford, Shropshire, UK
Hi all,

I was on a few months ago as I had planned to get some new piggy's this year after a couple of years without having any. I've been paying visits back and forth since.

I'm still planning on getting some and it may be sooner rather than later, I had planned on getting a couple of sows or a male/female combo from a rescue, however a friend of a friend found her newly purchased guinea pregnant (same old story I'm afraid :mal:) and woke up one morning to 2 very sweet and healthy boys with their mum! (recently confirmed as they had a once over with a vet nurse friend).

I've only ever kept sows in pairs. She is looking for homes for them and I was approached as she knew that if I had them they would stay together - I've read a few posts on here about boys and getting through their teenage "years", what is likely to happen with these two? I know that nature will eventually take its course and there is nothing I can really do to prevent them hating each other one day if that's the case - but what can I do, if anything, to minimise the risk? If they do eventually not get on will I be left with 2 lonely guineas? and then have to consider neutering and female companions and more expense etc. not that expense is a major issue, but I'd be irresponsible if I didn't take it into account, especially nowadays.

Its a dilemma in my eyes :hmm: - but only because I want to do what's best and make sure I've considered everything I can.

Thank you :tu:
hey, well from what i have found out and from my experience too the fighting normally happens around 8-9 months and my boys (although i don't know if they are related or not as from a pet store, my bad) had to be separated at 9 months-ish. Tricks to try before hand though are buying 2 of everything, 2 food bowls 2 identical beds, ask @Lilly as she tends to get 2 of everything to keep with peace for her boys.

also another trick i learnt on here and other places is bathing them together, firstly the experience will make them huddle together and secondly it neutralises their scent to hopefully reduce arguments and scent. also when bathing them clean their cage thoroughly to so they go back to a scent free cage (i often use a bit of the shampoo in hot water and clean the cage with that.)

an alternative to neutering and sows is I have heard that boys can sometimes be bonded with a younger male so may be worth looking at rescues for a baby each who wont challenge their dominance, once they are over their teen tantrums

hope you don't have any problems good luck!
they may be fine. My friend has two sows that she got together as babies and they are great together. They are in a cage that is way too small for them (100cmx60) and still getting on. If they have plenty of space (at least 140 long by 60 i think or 4x2 c&c) and two of everything (bottle, food bowls, hayracks , water bottles and hideys) they could be fine. Even with an older boar and a baby you can still get fall outs when the baby gets older. WEll worth a go in my opinion
It would be great if you would give these little boys a loving home!

The chance of them making it through to adulthood together is actually rather better than 50%; we see quite a number of problem cases on the forum, as this is the place to get help and support. It all depends on how dominant the boys are and whether they will continue to get on - that is the risk you have to take.
You will find that our boar guide has many tips as to how you can minimise any potential flash points.

If you have got fall-outs between boars, you have basically three options:
- side by side, which can be somewhat unsatisfactory
- boar dating at a rescue with a character compatible rescue boar - this minimises the risk of further fall-outs
- neutering and pairing up with a sow after a 6 weeks post op wait. Fall-outs in cross gender bondings are virtually unkown.

With any piggy you bring home, you go on an adventure. You can never tell who long they will live or what journeys they take you on. It is always a leap of faith.
just noticed in my last post put my friend had two sows, meant boars. I would go for it, It may work

Thank you all for replying, this has been really helpful - and confirmed my feelings, but just wanted to be sure! I decided to go for it...

Sorry for the delay in me popping back, but, the boys "were never promised to me" and me wanting to consider things through for the best of the piggys and myself was considered "time wasting"... :cen: needless to say I am not impressed! So its back to the drawing board and square one! I'm not so much bothered for me, I just hope those sweet little boys are happy and in a decent home. And slightly (very) annoyed that trying to do the right thing didn't register on their old owners radar...

I'm still looking on the rescue sites and a couple have caught my eye so its only a matter of time now!

Again thanks for the advice, I'm sure it wont be the last time I'm asking ;) and sorry for the vent, hopefully that is the last time..

With my boys, as @MyGuineaPigPals has said, I have always had 2 of absolutely everything. I have seen first hand how this avoids fights to this day & the boys have been together for almost 3 years! They still don't like to share.

Sorry you don't get the boys & like you I hope they have found a good home. Don't be put off getting 2 boys though from a rescue!
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Maybe it was meant to be.I was supposed to get two Swiss sows from a rescue but they had to be quarantined due to a uri case going in.By the time she knew for definite they were OK they were too big to be accepted by my dominant sow then two 4 week olds that had lost mum cane up and as I knew what I was doing I was allowed them.The bolshi one mothered them and they are doing great
I took in a sow with her 2 week old baby and it turned out she was pregnant again as she was getting bigger and 8 weeks later she had 2 babies who were both boars,they are now 18 month and still very happy together, it can work.
Also I had another boar who was paired with an 8 week old boar which didn't work so both neutered and now have girlfriends :)
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