Two 10 week old evicting the other and hissing

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Aug 1, 2011
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Newquay, Cornwall
Hey Guys, I hope you can help me.

I have new GP's. Two male 10 week old cuties, who had been together for week before I collected them.

They eat from the same food bowl well, and will both come over and eat the same piece of veg from my hand.

But I have noticed when diego goes into either of the two hidey/sleeping places that scruff is in, within seconds diego will run straight out - usually I will hear a bang or crash from inside then out diego runs.

Even if diego is in their first, scruff will enter and then out runs diego.

I have only had these guys for 4 days, so I was expecting them to have up's and down's establishing who was dominant. But I'm worrying now as scruff has started hissing.

I thought it was a sneeze at first, but upon searching online I have listened to guinea's sneezing and this sound is different. I have read this is an agressive sign and I'm worried!

When I woke this morning scruff was all curled up in hay, and diego was lying at the edge of the house with no hay at all :(

Please help, and advice would be great x
Hi doesn't sound good:( my boys were like that then they had a big fight with blood drawn and a trip to the vets! they are now separated:(

I would try to give them two of everything,bowl, hidey, water etc...
keep an eye out as mine were "tutting" as I called it, at each other before the fight.
Good luck with the boys as there is a chance it might be a dominant thing! :)p
Thank you very much for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it. I had read the info supplied by this website, and other posts but I was still lost! It doesn't seem as bad, or as mild as everything I've read!

I have bought a separate hidey today, so now they have that, a tunnel and lots of hay under a large platform. Plus another food bowl. I keep feeding them at the same time from my hands hoping that will help.

Really sorry to hear about your piggies, I know I'd be devastated if that happened with my boys. Hope they are happy now :)

Thanks again for taking the time to help :)
I hope that your boys will settle down with the changes you have made. If necessary, switch to hideys with two exits; have everything in twos, if necessary even the hay - each same item as far away from the other as possible.

Low level teeth chattering is an expression of annoyance; it means that Diego is telling Scruff that he is pushing it now.

How well two boys are getting on depends very much on the character compatibility.

Best of luck!

PS: How big is your cage?
Its getting worse :(

Scruff is still hissing, and now diego keeps climbing on scruffs face and sitting on top of him. Both are making the teeth rumbling noise too.

I dont understand - scruff was the one chasing diego around and being agressive, and now its the other way around.

They are only 10 weeks old, I dont think I can wait to see if they grow out of it like the sticky said.....

I have them out having floor time now and they wont run around, just circling each other sniffing and squeeking.

Ive been told the cage is too small by other people on this forum. I only got them 4 days ago so I'm still trying to sort out a bigger one...

that is their cage.

I'm so so worried....
Its not going well at all. In fact its awful.

I separated them after the agression got worse, was too scared to leave them together in case they hurt each other.

I left the cages side by side, and hoped they would chill and be ok - i was wrong :(

Had them both out together just now, they lasted about 5 - 8 mins until they totally kicked off at each other. Crazy loud teeth chattering, staring at each other, hissing and then they just flew at each other. Luckily neither was bitten - I managed to throw a towel over them before it got to that but it really scared me.

I just dont know what to do now. I have ordered all the materials to make a C&C cage, so I dont know if i should just divide the cage into two, or if that is a bad idea as the agression will still be felt and neither will be happy.

What a mess :( If pets at home had told me about this possibly occurring I would have been more careful about picking each pig, instead of choosing the two I liked best. Maybe I could have picked two who looked more like friends :(
I'm sorry to hear about your boys not getting along, its typical of boars to fall out during their hormonal months. :(

There is a very helpful website on seperating boars and living side by side option for boars:

Usually when boys fight this is the best way to go as they still can talk or shout at one another without causing any harm alongside this they have their own space to play, sleep and relax.

I don't think it'd be a good idea to reintroduce them, especially now during their hormonal months this is when things can escalate out of hands.

Boars can live quite happily side by side for their rest of their lives, however if you feel you can afford and accommodate you can always try going to a rescue for the boys to choose new boar friends they will get on with. Or another option is neuter for them to live with girls.

Again i'm sorry to hear that they've had to be split up, hope you're okay

laura x
thanks so much for all your advice and help Laura. It really means a lot to be able to speak to someone about this.

I'm ok, just didn't think it would end up like this :( it's made me really sad. But we don't get along with everyone so why should piggies...:(

The website you suggested is really great, i'm going to try out some of the idea's and hopefully I can give them all the care and love they need to make them happy.

Then maybe once things have settled getting some new playmates seems like a fantastic idea :D

Thanks again for taking the time to help,

Dee x
thanks so much for all your advice and help Laura. It really means a lot to be able to speak to someone about this.

I'm ok, just didn't think it would end up like this :( it's made me really sad. But we don't get along with everyone so why should piggies...:(

The website you suggested is really great, i'm going to try out some of the idea's and hopefully I can give them all the care and love they need to make them happy.

Then maybe once things have settled getting some new playmates seems like a fantastic idea :D

Thanks again for taking the time to help,

Dee x

Its awful isnt it? I tried bonding my two very relaxed year old boars with a third male from a rescue, after researching for a year and making sure my two boys were ready I tried it unfortuantly I didnt take into consideration my new boy and his personality. It went downhill very quickly!

That was nine weeks ago, since then my new boy Percy-Roo has been neutered and is hoping for a female friend soon.

I know how you feel about it, it still makes me sad to this day Percy-Roo would benefit from a friend so much and i just couldnt understand why he wanted to attack them! (and then pine for them when i separate him- silly boy!)

If you need any more help, or just want to let of some steam dont hesitate to post or pm always here for any boar owner - i know boars can give you a headache some days haha! :))

Laura x
My two boys have fallen out (long story, all my fault - to everyone new to piggies who doesn't know....never ever consider breeding, I've leant my lesson) and I've decided that the best option for us is to get them new friends. Dansak is going boar dating tomorrow and we are probably going to try and find a baby friend for Max. Fingers crossed! I'm so sorry this has happened to you...i know only too well how upsetting it is. Maybe in the future there is a rescue near you who would help you boar date your boys.
Dansak is going boar dating tomorrow and we are probably going to try and find a baby friend for Max. Fingers crossed! I'm so sorry this has happened to you...i know only too well how upsetting it is. Maybe in the future there is a rescue near you who would help you boar date your boys.

Oooo just wanted to say hope everything goes well tomorrow with boar dating! :) Good luck and I hope to see pigtures soon of your new addition :)
Thank you. We're off on hols for the week and Dansak is going to stay so he has plenty of time to date. I think the plan is to pair Max with one of the babies but there is a lovely shy and quiet piggy in rescue who sounds like Dansak's cup of tea. Failing that there is a baby piggy there too, so hopefully one way or another he should come home with a friend and then we'll get Max one once the babies are born adn he can choose. D is definately lonely at the moment - Max doesn't care one iota! I'm excited for Dansak (and for me). Hubby being so lovely about having more piggies - he's even built me a new run. x
Its not going well at all. In fact its awful.

I separated them after the agression got worse, was too scared to leave them together in case they hurt each other.

I left the cages side by side, and hoped they would chill and be ok - i was wrong :(

Oh heck - sounds like you have had a rough time. Have you got them side-by-side now?
From reading on the forum,all boars are different but I had to separate fighting teenage boars fairly recently and they are much happier side-by-side. My boars chat to each other through the mesh and eat side-by-side, rumble a lot but can't hurt each other. As already mentionned, boar dating might be a good option for later. :)
Thanks everyone for your help!

I hope dating goes well, please let me know as this may be something I will be doing in the future :)

They are side by side now, and seem rather happy....I hope it stays that way! x
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