Tv Routine!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 15, 2016
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My husband works nights so when he is at work and my son is in bed I like to settle down with the soaps and do a bit of cross stitching but since I have had my girls 1 of them likes to snuggle on my knee. I have tried to get her out during the day nut she doesn't settle. to be honest I love it :-) my other girl is still a little unsure she does come for a cuddle but she only likes about 20 min bless her. X
My husband works nights so when he is at work and my son is in bed I like to settle down with the soaps and do a bit of cross stitching but since I have had my girls 1 of them likes to snuggle on my knee. I have tried to get her out during the day nut she doesn't settle. to be honest I love it :-) my other girl is still a little unsure she does come for a cuddle but she only likes about 20 min bless her. X

Not all piggies are snugglers and lap piggies; that is a very common misconception. Enjoy yhe girl that does like to sit with you in the evenings and accept that the other is telling you when she's had enough and needs a pee.
Our girls are the same, one loves nothing more than lap time with my daughter while she is watching tele. She will happily do that for ages. Our other girl Coco is not so keen and is happy staying in the cage while Dorpthy is out. Coco prefers floor time and to be able to explore so we make sure she gets time for that. They all have their different likes and dislikes!
I do like that they are both so different. Now they are settling in and showing there personality it's brilliant x
It's wonderful that your girl likes cuddles so much.

Our only lap pig really is Ronnie the skinny, though Maud does like it sometimes. Ronnie is funny though, he will perch on my knee and sleep but the second Ross gets up he runs over and nicks his spot on the sofa, every time without fail.
Little bit of a breakthrough today. I have no idea what is going on but the little piggy who doesn't normally do lap time has been sat with me for the last 40 min very content and happy looks like I may have 2 cuddly piggies I'm very shocked again I have no idea what has got into her lol x
Aww! Duncan's quite a lap piggy, he seems to like sitting still and calmly. Godfrey likes escaping cuddles ASAP. Although, a while ago he just leaped from one pile of cushions over to the pile I was sitting on, lay down on my leg and fell asleep.
One of the happiest moments of my life, if that doesn't sound too sad!
It's wonderful that your girl likes cuddles so much.

Our only lap pig really is Ronnie the skinny, though Maud does like it sometimes. Ronnie is funny though, he will perch on my knee and sleep but the second Ross gets up he runs over and nicks his spot on the sofa, every time without fail.
Aww! I think I've seen Ronnie, is he the manly skinny that gets put in his place by the ladies?
Nooo that's not sad I was nearly crying when she was happy just sat with me which is so unlike her it's lovely :-) x
Aww! Duncan's quite a lap piggy, he seems to like sitting still and calmly. Godfrey likes escaping cuddles ASAP. Although, a while ago he just leaped from one pile of cushions over to the pile I was sitting on, lay down on my leg and fell asleep.
One of the happiest moments of my life, if that doesn't sound too sad!

Aww! I think I've seen Ronnie, is he the manly skinny that gets put in his place by the ladies?
Yes that's him.
My two love cuddles, especially Poppy. She would cuddle for hours if I let her. Smudge likes cuddles too, but she is the dominant and nosey piggy out of the two and is a bit more restless.

The three of us fell asleep the other night. Smudge woke me by licking a nostril and then my cheek as I looked at her bleary eyed. Poppy was still dozing on my lap.
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