Turning Back Time

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If you could turn back ten years what do you wish you knew then that you now know?
I would probably do everything differently! BUT, I have to say, actually I don't really regret anything in my life as I feel everything that I have done and has happened to me, however big or small has made me into the person I am today.
That just because you're a bit different to the crowd it doesn't make you less of a person... Something I'm still working on overcoming even now, thanks to the all-girls' hell hole* I went to.

*sorry, I mean school :whistle:
Exactly that x

Also lovely to put a face to a name earlier! That little Thors face gorgeousness, just ahh, love him!

As much as I wish I could have changed things and made my own decisions, not let people get me down, not prevent myself from being who I want to me because the slag herd didn't like it....

If none of that had of happened, although the social anxiety and depression is awful....

I would never have met Cai, never have moved here, never have got my beautiful boy and never have met any of you. So swings and roundabouts x
As much as I wish I could have changed things and made my own decisions, not let people get me down, not prevent myself from being who I want to me because the slag herd didn't like it....

If none of that had of happened, although the social anxiety and depression is awful....

I would never have met Cai, never have moved here, never have got my beautiful boy and never have met any of you. So swings and roundabouts x
Aww that is sweet.
Aww that is sweet.
Although I have no religion and personally, have no belief in anything but SANTA (cos he's my one and only, paha).

I do believe that there is some form of plan, that everything happens for a reason - don't know what that reason is, bar maybe me being a miserable hag for life? Haha. But there's gotta be something ! :)

Someone once said to me 'imagine if your life was just a story book and someone in another dimension was writing your story and you're just living it'

Pause for thought there.
Although I have no religion and personally, have no belief in anything but SANTA (cos he's my one and only, paha).

I do believe that there is some form of plan, that everything happens for a reason - don't know what that reason is, bar maybe me being a miserable hag for life? Haha. But there's gotta be something ! :)

Someone once said to me 'imagine if your life was just a story book and someone in another dimension was writing your story and you're just living it'

Pause for thought there.
That is very interesting. I try to comfort myself saying if I never dated my ex I would not have Amelia Jane as he collected her for me. It helps a bit.
That just because you're a bit different to the crowd it doesn't make you less of a person... Something I'm still working on overcoming even now, thanks to the all-girls' hell hole* I went to.

*sorry, I mean school :whistle:

I also went to what could be described as an all girls' hell hole :p and I'd tell myself to relax and not stress about the ginormous amount of exams and work I would have over the next few years because it'd all turn out ok in the end...
To make the most of my kids as they grow up so fast.My youngest is thirteen now and I don't know where the time went.I would also have made more time with my husband away from my kids, I thought we could do that when they all left home
:) In my case I would, it'd give me a chance to avert things, or at least lessen the disappointment.
Hmm well it was around this time ten years ago that caused the start of my problems in life, so I would go back to the me of then, tell myself to avoid all of those horrible people and that I will run into some other people who act best friends with me later on but disappear too but don't worry, you will find one fantastic friend who you have a lot of fun talking to.

I'd also hug me, tell myself to look after myself more and I will gain some very special pets in my future who teach me a lot of stuff and yes, you aren't scared of holding them. :)
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