My 3 year old pig passed last night with absolutely no signs of sickness her weight was fluctuating but nothing insane she wasn’t losing or gaining very fast, i was told it was normal and just because of the weather changes. I’m terrifed she had some sickness that will take my other pigs suddenly as well and i don’t know what to do i’m so scared of losing them. My friend brought up that she had a slight head tilt and was moving around quite weirdly so maybe it was. a tumor . but when i found her she had eye crusties and a runny nose that weren’t there that morning (she has had a URI twice if that matters) I just feel so shocked and broken and worried about my other babies. Any advice would be good.
I am very sorry for your loss.
It sounds like another or recurring respiratory infection that may have moved into newly defined CBS syndrome, which is a walled off middle ear infection that can affect balance, sight and jaw movement/dental issues; it is most commonly evolving from a bacterial respiratory infection, which is sadly widespread in US pet stores at the moment.
The ears are actually connected to the respiratory tract and so are the eyes. Pronounced heat swings can further lower the immune system and bring underlying problems to the fore. Healthy guinea pigs should however be able to fend off/control respiratory bacteria in our own long term experience; it is the young stressed pet shop piggies, the pregnant, frail or older piggies that usually get them or where a low reservoir from youth can come up again.
With those symptoms it is definitely not a tumor of any sort.
Here is more background information on the symptoms and situation you are mentioning:
New piggy problems: URI - ringworm - skin parasites
CBS (Calcified Bulla Syndrome) and Neurological Problems - Symptoms and Care
Hot Weather Management, Heat Strokes and Fly Strike (contains the widest list of measures you can take to mitigate heat problems)
Please be aware that it is very normal to have the jitters in the wake of a sudden unexplained death, as are strong feelings of failure and guilt; we all have them in some form or shape; simply because we care deeply about our pets and we love them unreservedly. Your worries are mainly a reflection of what a loving, responsible owner you are but not that something is necessarily wrong. You would not experience what you currently do if you didn't care in the first place. Unfortunately, only time will help to allay your concerns. But from what you are telling me I would think that a highly infectious, fast killing disease is very unlikely.
Especially if it is your first death or you are really swamped by the strength of your various often surprising emotions, you may find the very practical link below very helpful in making a bit more sense of what you are going to experience in the coming days and week. Grief and the shock of an unexpected loss can take us to some strange places; it is never just a slowly fading process of sadness.
We have to grieve as much as we love; they are the two sides of the same coin. But as love is the light in our lives, grieving is the shade that lets it really shine. Without either, we'd live in an emotional world that would be shrouded in grey fog all the time. Sometimes, night will fall in our world to make the next sunrise - and it will come! - even more precious and it lets us mature in our empathy and understanding of others in their own struggles.
Here is the link:
Human Bereavement: Grieving, Processing and Support Links for Guinea Pig Owners and Their Children
Be kind with yourself in the coming days. You can always only do so much. As long as you do what you can, you are a good owner. The rest is out of our own hands. We are not God who has full control over everything and doesn't make mistakes - we can only ever learn as we go along but are never in full control.
Personally, I hate hot weather because despite of my very best efforts the extra pressure on the little body can still be enough to unhinge the balance in my frailer piggies.
My thoughts are with you.