Bertie & Jelly
Forum Donator 2024/25
My skinny pig is a lumpy boy and I have largely taken a ‘watch and see’ approach. However he has had a lump on his tummy which has grown from flat and about 0.5cm to the size of a small plum 3-4cm in the past few weeks. I opted for a fine needle aspiration but the cell samples came back mostly necrotic and therefore inconclusive although possibly a fatty lipoma. Vet said it doesn’t seem to be ‘attached’ to anything internally. He’s eating, drinking and behaving normally (for him ). He is nearly 4 so I am very reluctant to put him through a general anaesthetic but if the lump keeps growing, it will impede his walking so reluctantly he is booked in for Monday. I am agonising over this. Has anyone had any experience of tummy lump surgery or surgery with tummy stitches? I want to make his cage as comfortable as possible for post-op healing so have re-configured and removed the ramp/loft. Also have some vet bed ready although he is on fleece and bobble bath mats anyway. Any tips or advice gratefully received to ease my mind. Thank you.