
Patunia the guinea pig

New Born Pup
Mar 25, 2023
Reaction score
United States
Hello, I have a guinea pig snd she loves to tunnel but she can only really tunnel in her hay the first 3 or 4 days after I replace it because it gets mated down by her pee.
I put a long rectangular box in her cage a while ago and she loved it, obviously it didn't last long because well, she's a menace so yeah I want to put some tubing in her cage, does anyone have any suggestions like, pvc or something?

I am trying to litter box train her too so if you have any suggestions for that please let me know, thanks. 👍
You could get the wooden log bridges. I once had the inside cardboard roll from lino that I put in their cage. But it’s cardboard so wouldn’t last long. You could also get a carrot cottage. Not quite a tube but if she likes the box she’ll likely like it as well. Does she have hides in her cage? And is she sharing with another piggy or by herself?

As for training, they do tend to poo where they eat. But otherwise they will poo and pee everywhere. Having a hay tray where the poop is ‘collected is useful, but they can’t be ‘potty trained’.
Just to add that hay should be replaced daily, so her not using after 3-4 days is perfectly normal.
Ideally it needs replacing far more often.

It isn't possible to litter box train guinea pigs - your best bet is large hay trays which should catch a lot of pee and poop, but only if they are refreshed daily.
I agree with what has been said above. On tunnel recommendations, my piggies love a good fleece tunnel. I like to sew so I made my own. I just change them out everyday since the piggies like to take naps in them so lots of pee and poop happens in them.
I use cardboard tunnels, like carpet inner tubes. I have/had quite small pigs and the larger pigs I had for a trial were too big to fit!
You could get the wooden log bridges. I once had the inside cardboard roll from lino that I put in their cage. But it’s cardboard so wouldn’t last long. You could also get a carrot cottage. Not quite a tube but if she likes the box she’ll likely like it as well. Does she have hides in her cage? And is she sharing with another piggy or by herself?

As for training, they do tend to poo where they eat. But otherwise they will poo and pee everywhere. Having a hay tray where the poop is ‘collected is useful, but they can’t be ‘potty trained’.
Okay, thanks
I also agree. You need to be removing soiled/ wet hay every day and putting in fresh at least once a day. That way she will be able to tunnel through it all the time.

I use wooden bendy log bridges as hides for my four piggies. Hay gets put underneath them, on them etc so they also are like hay nests
I got some brilliant, sturdy cardboard tunnels out of the middle of a roll of vinyl flooring. You could ask at a flooring shop if they have any spare. It took a bit of sawing up but was excellent quality.

Alternatively, for short term disposable tunnels, see the thread I just posted about making cheap tunnels out of cereal boxes. Very quick and easy and the pigs love them.
Here we have big stores that sell carpet and other types of flooring and install it for you. Do you have something like that where you live? That's the kind of thing I'm thinking of.
My piggies have a bit of plastic 4" pipe that my son "acquired" from a skip while working on a building site years ago as well as fleece tunnels.
We have an offcut of yellow plastic underground gas pipe! These types of heavy duty plastic can be good as they are mostly too tough to chew.