Trying To Rebuild A Friendship

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 15, 2016
Reaction score
After a spat between my boars they are separated but cages are close together. They chut through the bars at each other
They are happy to have floor time together but are much happier having their own homes to go back to afterwards. This seems to work for them. Should I push to try and get them living together again or keep at what they are happy to do now?
After a spat between my boars they are separated but cages are close together. They chut through the bars at each other
They are happy to have floor time together but are much happier having their own homes to go back to afterwards. This seems to work for them. Should I push to try and get them living together again or keep at what they are happy to do now?

They are happy as they are! ;)
We have got a number of members with "can't live without - can't live together" boar pairs, who prefer to have their own territory with interaction through the bars; if you can, push the cages together.
Put them together in a cage, and they are going to start squabbling again straight away...
The fact that they are much happier going to their own spot gives you all the answers you need! :)
:agr:. If it's working as it is, don't change it. Not all piggies get on with each other. But they can still see, hear and interact with each other so that's fine. Happy piggies make happy owners.
Indeed if my piggies are happy then so am I I'm glad we have solved that. Ahh I just love them ❤
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