Teenage Guinea Pig
Hi I know there is a thread about this but I wanted to hear some personal setup ideas. I'm freaking out because the heaters I have bought to keep my pigs warm in the winter keep shorting out. So it's back to the drawing board.
For ppl that have those tube heater lights where do you put them? Are they right inside the hutch? I'm worried about fires.
My pigs have been climatized as they have been outside for years but always with a heater in winter. Usually the shed stays about 10 degrees celcius with the heater.
I'm mostly worried about my older boar who is 5 years old. I do have a snuggle safe which I just started to use but when it goes cold won't he get chilled?
I'm going to stuff their hutches full of hay tonight as there will be no heat source. I'm so scared the cold will kill them.
Pls help. Does anyone not use a heat source at all? How do the pigs manage?
Apparently it's supposed to be a very cold winter this year. I live in Canada on the west coast so usually the lowest it goes is about -5 degrees celcius.
Thanks so much for any ideas.
Worried Pig Mom,
For ppl that have those tube heater lights where do you put them? Are they right inside the hutch? I'm worried about fires.
My pigs have been climatized as they have been outside for years but always with a heater in winter. Usually the shed stays about 10 degrees celcius with the heater.
I'm mostly worried about my older boar who is 5 years old. I do have a snuggle safe which I just started to use but when it goes cold won't he get chilled?
I'm going to stuff their hutches full of hay tonight as there will be no heat source. I'm so scared the cold will kill them.
Pls help. Does anyone not use a heat source at all? How do the pigs manage?
Apparently it's supposed to be a very cold winter this year. I live in Canada on the west coast so usually the lowest it goes is about -5 degrees celcius.
Thanks so much for any ideas.
Worried Pig Mom,