Trying to bond my 2 boars!

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Hi I was wondering if anyone can help me I'm trying to bond 2 of my boars so far all ive done is put them on the floor together for a little while all they did was started strutting around chattering their teeth at each other! >:(
Does anyone know how to help them to get on? :-\
Are these boars new to eachother or did they used to be cagemates?
Bonding boars takes a bit of work and patience as I have discovered, but so worth it when it does work.
I recommend looking at the cavyspirit site, under the part "adding a second cavy". Just google it. Really good advice, worked for me :)
That is probably more tricky then! I have 2 boars that used to live together and fell out and I had tried 3 times since then to bond them, but no joy. As a last resort, you could try bathing them together using Gorgeous guineas shampoo. This will make them comfort eachother as most guineas dont really like a bath and they will smell the same. Then put them together in a neutral area with new toys/tubes etc that bears none of their scent and see what happens. Be patient though, it can take hours or even days. Dont be alarmed at rumbling, bum wiggling, mounting etc, this is all normal. It is only if they actually lunge at each other that you should call it a day. You need to be around whlst they are together to make sure all is ok.
If this goes well, make sure their hutch or cage is completely disinfected with a safe small animal disinfectant, new bedding and toys and rearranged etc before putting them in there together.
There is loads of great advice on the barmy4boars website that might help you.
thanks for that i'll give them both a bath tonight and floor time together and see what happens i'll let u know :smitten:
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