trust issues?

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Jan 18, 2012
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i'm really new to this forum and hope i am posting in the right department :{

I have 2x guineas chocolate & toffee....
I rescued toffee from someone who 'couldn't manage her anymore'
she had a really bad case of mites (her skin was really scabby and she was loosing alot of fur) I have been taking her to the vets weekly for treatment and the change in her condition is amazing!
However I now feel she doesn't trust me....whenever I go to their cage she runs for it...i have to chase her (it takes a while) she won't come to me at all!
Is there anything inparticular I can do to help our bonding? Any advice would be great

Theresa xx
Hi Theresa. Well done for rescuing Toffee. Guinea pigs are prey animals and very timid. It is so early for Toffee to know you. My guinea pigs still run from me! You just have to be patient and gentle with her and she will get to know you. It will help to hold her everyday and speak softly to her. She may be happier if you hold her under a fleece as guinea pigs feel safe when hiding. It would be lovely to see photos of your two. :)
I found that feeding them bits of veg from my hand helped get my two pigs to get to know me :)
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