Trust Issues Or Just A Spoilt Pig....

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 9, 2014
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Its no secret to those on here how much time and love I share with my Bramble Bear but we seem to have a hurdle we just can't cross.
Nail clipping is a Nightmare!
I can cut the back ones no problem but when it comes to the front ones she goes dramatically squirmy, makes horrid noises and just yanks her foot away. She's even attempted to bite me on one occasion.
What am I doing wrong? What tips do you have? Is she just too used to getting her own way?

I've tried covering her head, getting someone else to hold her, using veg as a distraction, different positions and just downright stubbornness is all I get.
I don't mind paying the vet bills to let them do it like I have been doing but going to the vets is never a fun experience for any animal and I feel like a slight failure of a Piggy owner.

So yeah, Work your magic Guinea Pig Forum... x
You are not doing anything wrong. Some piggies just really hate having their nails cut. My Amelia Jane bites me and her own nails due to hating it so much. Cutting nails is the only part of piggy care I dislike as they hate it!
All I do is get my boyfriend to hold them and try and do it holding the feet. I just think you have to be determined!
All I do is get my boyfriend to hold them and try and do it holding the feet. I just think you have to be determined!

I too have tried doing this however Bramble isn't always keen on him on a good day so I think that makes it worse. Determination is a key factor and unfortunately I think she sensors my apprehension because its become such a nightmare. Vicious circle...
It is hard to cut nails. If they pull away they just make it worse. After six years I still struggle doing Amelia Janes nails. She makes such a fuss. I am sorry I have no advice for you. It is a nightmare.
It is hard to cut nails. If they pull away they just make it worse. After six years I still struggle doing Amelia Janes nails. She makes such a fuss. I am sorry I have no advice for you. It is a nightmare.

Just knowing I'm not doing anything wrong is enough! Thank you. I've never had this problem before!
It used to take 3 of us To cut my old pig snowball's nails. Me to hold him, one of my sisters to feed veg and my dad used to cut his nails. But it had to be lettuce you gave him or he didn't play nice and wriggled and squealed. Lol.
What about that sand like paper for birds? Could that be laid in the cage some place to help wear them down? I have a piece of granite turned upside down at the bottom of the ramp. I think it helps a little. I am going to get a piece of flat pumice stone to try there next.

I dread cutting their nails. My dogs and cats not a problem, but the pigs hahahaha.
I do my boys quite successfully with the assistance of MrS - he holds them while standing up, they don't like the height so between that and shoving carrot/baby corn in their mouths they stay still enough to clip their nails quiet quickly. Barney hates cuddles so there is definitely something about the food/height combination that works!
I posted recently about how scary nail cutting is so you're not alone! I've managed to do the back ones with another person helping but for the front there is always a piggy nose in the way :s I might have to pay a vet to do it when i get desperate!
I just clipped Kasper and Quinn's nails last night. My boyfriend held them whilst they struggled. He didn't want to hold them too right.
I was kicked, head butted and slashed. Even when handing them treats.
I have ten sows and I am firm with them so they know they have no choice.Luckily I haven't been bitten yet.I do my sisters rabbit and she has to hold him and has been bitten.Had thirteen rabbits at one point so compared to them the piggies are easy.I don't even distract with veg, they all get veg afterwards it gets easier.Just remember it isn't a major disaster if you cut the quick now and then.Don't be scared
I'm stuck on my own with nail clipping. My boyfriend won't hold them as he feels mean when they start shrieking.
No veg or amount cuddles will distract them. I count to three out loud before I clip each nail. They seem to pause for a second but you've got to be quick.
Good luck!
Depends on my piggies overall mood, sometime I can cut all without a problem but sometimes the OH needs to help... Rambo tends to scream bloody murder, Patch starts twitching and tries to bit me, Maple always snatches her paws away, Lucky no issues and the same with Pecan. Rory is a fidget so requires an extra set of hands, Maggie and Abigail have no problems.
None of my piggies like having their nails cut! Like yours, they are OK with the back feet, but once I get to the front feet, they close their toes up, wriggle, squirm, chatter their teeth, and my most docile pig is a biter! It is often a 2 person task!
I find it impossible on my own but my sister lives just round the corner and is always popping round, so i always get her to help me out she holds them and i do the snipping, we try and stay as calm as possible as they sense if i get stressed or worried.

I've got six piggies some of behave really well and just sit there really good and the other ones make a horrendous fuss, they kick and squeak... and one them will even try to sink her teeth in.
Its so so nice to know I'm not alone! I think I'd rather save me and Bramble the stress and pay the £7 at the vets. SO MUCH EASIER!

Oh @Holly_Bramble have you had much experience of vets in sheffield? The closest on the vet locator are in Rotherham and Chesterfield, wondered if you knew of any closer.

I use Highfield Vets on London Road in Sheffield. There incredible with my Pigs, always have been and they seem to know there stuff. It costs me just £7 for the nail clipping and its usually pretty quiet on a week day. I take all the family animals there now and would never go anywhere else, a good vets is hard to find so I am staying where I am! I currently take two tortoises, budgie and my bramble bear.
My best friend also takes her two ferrets and pygmy hedgehog there so they are good for exotics too.
Honestly would recommend! :D
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